Kitchen Bound

This morning's brekkie ended up with us having toast and cheese for OH and toast and some of my home made Autumn Medley jam which went down very nicely.  These colder mornings I have taken to eating porridge first thing or oats and fruit.  Very filling and I find when I have something like this I don't pick as much.  That is a win win as far as I am concerned.

I have been in the kitchen again today carrying on with the work that needs doing before Saturday.  Things are going well and I am hoping that everything will be completed in there by tomorrow evening.  There has been a lot more in there for me to do than I had anticipated but I am nearing the end.  Another couple of cupboards have been cleaned out and re-stocked and also the top of the units have been cleared down and the items that belong there reintroduced.  There is still a lot more to "squeeze in", but we are getting there,

I have had the radio on.  I normally listen to "Gold" on the radio, working away in my own little world, content in my own company with the cats taking it in turns to be Supervisor and making sure their hooman is not stepping out of bounds.  They have been singing to me as well (both are in season). When it gets too much I just leave them to it for a while and then come back and it is normally a bit quieter.  They get ever so fussy though and just stop in front of you and down tools so you cannot get through, placing themselves just where your foot is going to land.  Not good for them or for me.

It has been a cold day again here, and I went cold on the inside which is never a good sign.  I therefore dragged the Ninja Pot out (it is a multipot cooker with Air frying facility as well as yogurt, saute, steaming and pressure cooking).  I then started to prepare vegetables and meat for a good warming stew.  We bought 1lb of Stewing meat the other day from Willowbrook Farm which is what I used as the basis of the stew together with onion, the leftover onion gravy from the other day (I do try and use up all the leftovers somewhere down the line), some potato and some swede and carrot.  Has come out very well and has gone down very nicely served with some mashed potatoes. We both went back for seconds, and there is still enough left for one of us for tomorrow.  It went down a treat and was very tasty and more importantly for me warming.

At the moment, we are having roast chicken tomorrow for tea.  It is another large chicken and I shall serve it as a standard roast with veggies.  When it is cold you need a decent meal, and there will be a load of left-overs.  Think I will use it in a home-made stir fry this week though being as we had curry last week.  Have to ring the changes with the meals even if the ingredients are similar.

I am going to do a little more knitting this evening.  My throw is gradually growing and it would be good to try and get it done as quickly as I can.  I have been trying to do an hour a day (not every day) in order to help it grow.  I have found some more projects to do in the New Year.  Once this throw has been completed I will start another one, but I shall run it against the cross stitch Christmas tablecloth that I am part way through and see if I can get that finished next in readiness for next Christmas.  I also have a lovely table runner that I would like to get done in readiness for next Christmas as well.  I will then pick up the new blanket inbetween. There are also some UFOs as usual which need finishing off inbetween,  So going to be busy.

Right off for a round of knitting.

Keep warm, keep safe wherever you are.

Catch you soon.




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