Day by Day

Am slowly getting there.  The pain killers have stopped, although whilst I have some left I am still taking them at night so I end up getting a good night's sleep. I am still having to sleep on a lot of pillows although am gradually getting more comfy and lower down the pillows.  

The dressings are off and the four small scars are healing nicely apart from a little residual bruising on one of them. After a while I do not think that you will be able to see them at all.  The scars are neat and starting to itch though which is driving me slightly crackers.  A lot of the swelling has gone now it is just down to nature to heal inside a bit more and then hopefully I can start exercising a bit and try and lose a bit more weight.  Slowly, slowly catch a monkey it will happen in time.  I am still watching what I eat and in reality, I am not eating as much as I used to and I do not seem to have the appetite I did before.  I am specifically trying not to eat after 7pm at night and certainly not between meals if I can help it.

The weather has been gorgeous and I am itching to get out.  If the weather is good tomorrow I may join OH on him walking her ladyship, just for a short walk just to get my limbs going again and to get out into the lovely fresh air.  I need to lose the weight especially around my middle and do the exercises to keep  my back and hips in check and to make myself more supple than I currently am.

I still have not managed to address some of the crafting pile.  I want to do some, I just cannot settle to it which is also driving me nuts.  I am still taking things gently, but am feeling so guilty as I just am not getting anything done at all.

Hopefully, not before too long will be down to Cornwall, together with some of my UFOs and my sewing machine and patchwork projects.  My soul is crying out for the fresh air, space and beautiful scenery of Cornwall.  I always feel as if I am home when I am down there.

Where we live is getting worse and worse the City is getting far too noisy for my liking. I do not want to be around crowds at the moment at all.

Hopefully in the next few days I will get back to cooking full time.  OH tried to order pizza via Just Eat this evening and the driver delivered to the wrong address.  It took an age to get through to Just Eat  It certainly was not by phone.  They have credited us but it is the sheer inconvenience of not having the meal delivered and then having to find something else.  I do not think we will be using them again in a hurry somehow as OH was not very impressed and nearly blew a gasket.

Hopefully will be back into the swing of things again shortly.

Catch you soon.




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