Sorry for not posting

I did a little too much on Saturday and have ended up paying for it in respect of tiring myself out.  It was good to be out do not misunderstand meI just did not appreciate how much it would take out of me even though I did hardly anything or walked around much. So for the past couple of days I have been a good girl (not easy for me at the best of times) as I either end up in situations up to my neck, or things completely wrapped round my ankles.  I guess I am a kind of all or nothing type.  Whatever I do, I do wholeheartedly and always with the purest of intent.

I have rested up, and am doing a few things extra day by day.  Things are slowly getting back to some type of normal though, but I have to remember to be kind to myself along the way and still remember that it is still early days.  I do not need the pain medication at all at the moment, which I am pleased about, but I am still very tender.  Time will heal though.

When we went out on Saturday, we called on the way back from the Fish Man in Ramsey to Harvest Barn Farm shop.  I have always rated this small establishment out in the Fen, as they have always had very different things to a lot of the mainstay shops and it was always interesting to have a rootle around to see what they actually have.  As the premises were originally set up as a Farm shop over time I have nearly always been able to find very different produce there which I have gone back for on a regular basis. We have always been able to find very good meat from the likes of Grasmere Farm and other local suppliers. This Saturday I was bitterly disappointed though as they have shrunk their "Farm shop" items considerably and expanded the Cafe/Restaurant area even more.  The local suppliers have shrunk considerably as well. They used to sell the very large coloured and flavoured Meringues but we have not seen those for absolutely ages.  We also used to be able to get hold of a bottled Clementine juice and lots of cordial flavours including Ice cream Soda and Dandelion and Burdock.  None of them are available now.  No more Grasmere farm produce and what is there is very little. Leads me to think that they are after more mark up to survive,  and have lessened the products as a result of that.  Probably going to get rid of the "Farm Shop" completely.  I seem to think that they are very much missing a trick here as they are in the middle of nowhere and for people to go out that far there needs to be a reason for them to go.  In fact as a result of Saturday's offerings, I do not think will be going back there again in a hurry.

We bought sausage, bacon and black pudding on Saturday for himself - not me.  OH has been very dis-satisfied with them.  For a Farm shop, the bacon has been watery - more watery than some of the supermarket bacon.  Too much water in the frying pan where you literally have to chuck it out otherwise things do not cook properly. The sausages were crap!  The black pudding was ok.  So it is just down now to the Pork Loin joint which we also purchased.  The joint looks nice but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.  We do have a local Butcher at Willowbrook Farm that we also use a lot and their Pork joints are always worth their weight in money. So we shall see what we shall see.

I am going simple with the veggies, just some mashed potato, carrots, broccoli, peas and cauliflower with gravy.  I shall only have a little in any event.

Weather-wise, for the past couple of days it has been lovely to see the sun, and to have lighter evenings.

Right am off to check on the Pork.

Catch you soon.



P.S. Pork was delicious despite a bit of shrinkage but there was plenty of crackling for OH.  Not for me though.


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