Minus 6 Degrees Yesterday -5 Degrees Predicted for Overnight tonight


First thing this morning.   Colder than predicted! - 6 degrees!

I was frozen when I went to bed last night, but with the aid of the hot water bottle I remained cosy all night.  I even at one point got too hot and chucked off the bed clothes.  Saying that I quickly put them back on again.

It is currently - 2 degrees as we head into early evening at 3:45pm.  It is supposed to be -4 degrees at its coldest overnight but we shall wait and see.  All the snow has now gone but everywhere is wet and damp so I suspect it will be very slippy tomorrow.


Woke up to another very cold hoar frost.  The roofs had cleared of white yesterday but this morning they were worse than they were yesterday morning.  

I have been lost in the Pantry for part of the day.  I have still not emptied it in readiness to be cleaned out; I am picking away at it even though it is Slow going as I am having to find a place to re-store it!  Mind you the Pantry has always been kept stuffed to the Gunnells.  The reason being that a well stocked basic Pantry can feed you in times of difficulty if it has the basics of everyday life.  It has done this for us several times.  The recipes might not be what you fancy to eat but it will provide you with good basic and sustaining food that will keep you warm.  Much better to be this way than to starve or not get enough to eat.  I do not have a freezer at the moment purely because I have nowhere to keep it.  I am used to living out of my freezers but you can only deal with what you have at that present moment in time. We are therefore relying quite perversely for me from buying every so often on fresh stuff which is not my way at all.  I usually buy fresh and prep it  up in readiness for use.  So very much based on what we can locate at the moment.  I usually make sure that I have a good stash of mixed veggies in as I can do all sorts with those. I also have to keep away from pre-prepared bought stuff and sweet stuff for OH.

I am finding that I seem to have a problem with buying Pasta and Porridge Oats.  Seem to have a bit of a mountain of each of these.  Oh well will soon get it used; and there was me contemplating having a go at making some and drying it for the Pantry. I might still do this yet. 

I use Porridge Oats for Porridge, soaked Oat breakfast cups, Flapjacks, Muesli, Granola.  I like them in a crumble himself does not.  

Pasta shaped, Lasagna, Spaghetti, and small pasta for use in stews, soups etc.  I have a good selection.  Also use them for pasta bowl warm ups for lunch as well (Ping job in the Microwave).

Noodles have found a load of these as well.  Mind you I use these a lot in stews, soups, lunch pots, stir fries and Chinese style dishes.  I am a bit predictable in some respects but always looking to change a recipe up somewhere down the line.

There is a chicken in the Ninja at the moment which once cooked is going to be popped into a Sweet and Sour sauce and served with some rice.  A bit different to what we have been having for a change, but still a good filler outer to keep the cold at bay.  Might also have some tinned fruit and custard (that is if I can locate the custard powder).  I know I have some but can I find it!  It is either the Fairies have been in and hidden it or I am losing the plot (I think I am losing the plot).

I will then strip what is left of the second chicken down for the meat and pop the bones in the Ninja with the remains of the other carcass and make some Chicken stock for soups, gravies etc. which can be stashed in the fridge.  I have in mind to make a winter Minestrone.  Have found the right pasta for that to  use. I have all the right veggies in the fridge.

I have also found the small cans of evaporated milk I bought which I use in a homemade rice pudding.  Could be one of those happening over the next few days, probably served with some apple and blackberry that was bottled in the autumn.

I am surprised at just how much I do manage to have squirrelled away.  I also have two large plastic boxes full of bits and bobs I have bought as top ups or items that were on offer which I could not get into the pantry to go through as well.

Needless to say my preserving for the New Year will start again on January 1st.  It might only be a few things here and there, but those few things add up. Making things, buying stuff in, drying herbs, sourcing items for preserving later in the year month by month and stockpiling, such as different vinegars, spices, etc.  If you can also buy in reduced food to turn into something for the Pantry shelf.  There is a lot that can be done.  Mushrooms are on my list to accumulate as I turn them into dried mushroom slices or powder.  Spinach and Kale are also on that list.

-5 Degrees predicted overnight for us here in Peterborough.  Some forecasts indicate a small flurry of snow and some indicate none.  So we shall see what happens.

Those of you with copious amounts of the white stuff take it steady, keep safe and keep warm.  Would like you all in one piece pretty please.

Take it steady and catch you soon.




  1. Keep warm. It's due to be minus 7 tonight (and is already minus 5 - we have clear skies). I feel sorry for the folk who are struggling to keep the heating on because of paying the bills.


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