Managing to Progress a little

 I did get into the kitchen today although I did not think I was going to be able to.  I have done copious amounts of washing up today and then cooked and had to wash some of it up again.  All so that we could have a good tea for this evening's meal.

I have cooked a Cottage Pie a favourite around here and also a Rice Pudding. Not bad for 1lb of mince, half a chopped leek, three carrots and an onion.  I also added the remains of a Vintage Tickler cheese and a quarter of a Godminster cheese round.  Tea all sorted for tomorrow night as well.  Will probably cook another pudding tomorrow as we demolished the Rice pudding. That should do nicely with them being one pot dishes in the end, so that will save another load of washing up.  I do have a dishwasher which I have not been putting on at the moment, although I do if I need to to make my life a little easier.  Saying that not everything goes in the dishwasher as I have a lot of older china that is not suitable for the dishwasher and I refuse to put my good knives or cutlery in there having had some ruined in the past.  It is not good for them in any event.

These are large pasta bowls which I normally use for stew.  They are about three times the size of a normal dish.

Tea has gone down very nicely; just what was needed for this cold day.  Did not get to the baking done but hopefully will get to that tomorrow.  I have plans to do that before anything else.  We need something for the tins to pick on when we get the munchies.

Tomorrow is another day.

Catch you soon.




  1. Just the ticket these cold winter days. I couldn't find pudding rice the last couple of times I looked in Tesco etc.

    1. Hi BB, I have been nabbing it when I see it. If you have an Asian shop near you they might have it. My local Asian shop is where I have been getting the Nestle/Fussells type thick tinned cream that I do not seem to be able to get anywhere else, Rose Water, spices and herbs, Golden Sultanas, Dried milk, Almond Oil for using in dressings or homemade toiletries. It is a rather unassuming shop, but I often find things cannot get elsewhere. Think Waitrose have it and also Semolina (for puddings). These days I bit from shop to shop getting those items that I need and cannot necessarily source elsewhere. Lidl and Aldi are also good for baseline products. In the past I have managed to get dried Apricots from Aldi a lot cheaper than anywhere else. Hope you are holding up and that Keith is more settled. Thank goodness for the kittens to distract and give pleasure. Take care xx


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