Scratch Tea Tonight

 To use up some of the mince I bought the other day.  Sometimes you have to take advantage of offers that are on even if you do not have anyway of storing it for a later day other than the fridge.  I therefore came away with 2kg of Beef mince the other day as it was buy a kilo get one free.

So cheat's chilli it was.  A jar of bottled sauce, some wraps, Guacamole and cream.  One major problem straight away; I did not have any Basmati or long grain rice in the Pantry at the moment.  That will be remedied during the week.  I indicated to OH that if he wanted rice then he would have to go and fetch some.  He doesn't normally like wraps but decided that he was going to have them today with the chilli.

I had looked to see if I had the ingredients in the Pantry but it would appear that I am out of chilli powder, flakes etc.  They are not the only flavourings I am without at the moment and I need to do a stock up at the end of the month as there are quite a few bits and bobs that I need.  Therefore the bought sauce it was.  I must say that it was not too bad from my perspective as I do not like a lot of heat.  Chilli in hotter quantities tends to upset my system although I do quite like it.

OH well he just loves chilli of any kind.  It has been quite a while since we have had any version of chilli.

It has been cold, damp and latterly wet here today; something that I think is happening all over the country.  The damp gets in your skin though (well it does mine).  I have been very stiff and am going to start trialling the Cider Vinegar again first thing of a day to see if that makes any difference. My Dad always used to swear by it and at one point when I was younger, I used to take it on a regular basis also.  Will see if I remember to take it and see whether it does any good.  It has Cider Vinegar in it, honey, water and Cinnamon. The lack of sun will not be doing any of us any good during these winter months at all.  I wondered whether it would do any good with the tiredness/fatigue and maybe help with the anti-body levels, which I think are high at the moment due to my system's reaction.  Can but try.  I want to try and get my health back on an even keel a bit and I think now is the time to start.  Sometimes the results of taking Vitamins take a while to show up, as they not only have to rectify any deficiency but you also need to keep the intake consistent.  Will see how things go.  I can but try.

Right am off to watch some TV.

Catch you soon.





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