Lazy Day

Just chilling and pottering around doing a little bit here and there but nothing substantial.  As planned just a low key day.  I was tired in any event and tea had already been cooked yesterday; there was therefore nothing too strenuous on that front either. We had a repeat of yesterday's meal.

I did prep up for OH to eat at his leisure some Chicken Wings in a Piri-Piri sauce.  I do not like Piri-Piri so this is just for him in any event.

Am looking forward to seeing the second part of the Agatha Christie "Why didn't they ask Evans" that started last night in a little while.  A very different take on the storyline thus far.

Back to the grind tomorrow

Has been a wet, cooler and windy day here in Peterborough.  I think rain is forecast on and off for the rest of the week, so it does not look as though I am getting into the garden.  If that is the case it is into the kitchen for me tomorrow to get that back into some semblance of order.  I am so glad I got the rest of the washing dry yesterday.

I had hoped to do some knitting or something similar today, but in reality I have not been able to settle myself and it has been very much a day for not doing much at all which is not sitting well, but sometimes doing nothing is giving your mind and body permission and a much needed time to rest.  Sometimes you have to listen to what your body is telling you.

That's what I am doing.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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