Sunday Day of Rest

What's that then! Well it has been for me today; this Migraine is still hanging a bit, and making me feel a bit out of sorts.  So listening to my inner voice and just not doing very much.  Will be able to pick myself up better if I listen to what the "Engine" is telling me. It is the "Conductor" that gets in the way by trying to divert me from my main focus! (😍😍I am easily diverted). I have not been able to do any crafting either, with the Migraine; I just have not been able to concentrate.  These things are sent to try us.  

I am impatient though for my seeds to strike as I want to get some more set.  That for me is soothing work, gives me time to think and be on my own. Plus it is being true to my personality that of nature/nurture - growing things no matter what the difficulties. The older I am getting I am in search of peace more than anything else and that all starts with me regaining my inner peace and momentum.  Gardening does that for me as you are methodically working away at something whilst being quietly in the moment.  It is not just growing a garden it is nurturing yourself too.  I had not appreciated how much I had missed gardening this last year.  I have over the winter months been collecting the little trays from mushrooms, and other veggies with the intention of recycling them into seed planters where I can rather than letting them go into Landfill.  The product is there cannot get away from it so recycle it.  Maybe not the purest way of dealing with them but there we are.  This is working out very well.  I also have some mustard and cress on the go in a couple of old butter tubs.  When I have a freezer they tend to get recycled for storing things in there.

Progress on the OH's Ghost chilly is very good and steady.  The first plant is putting on a growth spurt and will need to be transplanted to a little pot.  However, a second seed has also poked up its head. Fingers crossed and toes plaited that all goes smoothly, and all five seeds put in, make an appearance. My PP Chilli is a no show at the moment though. There were two seeds in this one. Have to give up to 21 days.

The seeds I planted the other day are stacked into two polystyrene pie delivery boxes with lids (I am recycling them for the garden but are handy to hold onto for keeping food chilled), stacked on top of one another due to space restrictions indoors.  I am hoping to free up more space indoors over the next few days in which to get a few more seeds on the go.  I seem to have lost a lot of seed too - I have another batch somewhere it is just locating it all and there are some very specific seeds I am after too.  Fingers crossed I locate them.  I am looking for my Angelica (homemade crystallised Angelica is simply the best and you can make a lovely alcoholic digestive with it), Lovage, Pot Marigold and Winter Savoury and Summer Savoury seeds from the seeds that have gone missing, as well as Rhubarb seeds.  I would quite like to get hold of some French Lavender as well as English Lavender and some Provencal Thyme which is meant to be a bit stronger than the English Thyme. Some of it will not be ready for this year, but is advance planning for next year.  I also need some French Tarragon plants; the absolute best for cooking and some Lemon Verbena which is absolutely amazing. Really and truly this garden is not really big enough, so I am just playing about a bit.  I really am in the mood for getting stuck into gardening again, but circumstances do not always let you do what you want to do but hey such is life.  One day I will have the garden of dreams with loads of Roses, Honeysuckle and Lavender, as well as Lupins, Delphiniums, Hollyhocks etc.

We had a cooked breakfast this morning for OH, eggs, bacon and fried button mushrooms.  I just had a little egg and bacon.  Made a nice change

Tonight for tea we have Moules Mariniere with a little water in the bottom of the pan to steam the Mussels with garlic and parsley butter.  Served with bread and butter and then a Lemon cream sponge for pudding.. A simple light but filling tea. It is a long time since we last had Mussels.  I quite like my seafood although I draw the line at Whelks!  

Tomorrow night we have Rib Eye Steak, homemade chips, fried mushrooms, fried onion and salad.  Might do a fresh fruit salad for pudding.  Any leftover can go towards breakfast the following day for me.  Waste not, want not!

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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