Sunshine on my Shoulder

 .....makes me happy.  What a difference the light nights and sunny days are making.  I have managed to get more washing on the line and still have a bit more to do but as long as I can get it dry outside then I am content.  I hate drying washing around the house but have had no option this winter which seems to have been longer and darker than usual.

Last night I sat and sorted some seeds out into sowing order, which involved juggling several packets with frequent pick ups off the floor.  These things are sent to try us. I have found one tub of seeds so far and I know that there is another one lurking somewhere.  It will turn up there are quite a lot of seeds in this one in any event enough to keep me going.  Most of these are from magazines. Some are not.  I have however located my yellow courgettes which I am pleased about.  I tend to plant the courgettes in planters as I am limited on actual gardening space.  I particularly like the yellow ones as the skin is so tender on them and I like them raw.  The green ones which I also like especially with roast pork, I prefer cooked.

I have dragged out the Herbs, Chillies, Tomatoes, Courgettes as a priority and hope to get some compost (I latterly found a little bit to get some seeds started) to get these set in the next few days and get them set indoors.

Earlier today I managed to get the "Peter P Chilli" growing kit onto the windowsill.  It came in a tiny box with everything needed included.  The one OH did last week is still not showing any signs of anything, but will give it a little more time as sometimes the germination takes a little while.  He has been "chomping at the bit" about it - but he does not normally deal with the seeds!

I have managed to locate a tiny bit of compost and a few smaller compost trays and so once those trays are all washed out I am going to set some seeds and put their covers on.

I have managed to get more washing done and everything I have done has been line dried. It smells lovely and so fresh.

I have also spent more time on the Herb border and I have managed to clear another part of it completely. There has been a lot of rubbish left on there during the winter months and I am chuffed that it is slowly being reclaimed.  The mint I found yesterday is a Black Peppermint and it is putting out some sturdy shoots.  The Ivy hanging baskets have been topped off with a little more compost (some of the roots were not quite covered) and so have sorted that today and given a little water.  The Rhubarb has also perked  up a bit since the other day when I first inspected it.  Shortly after then we had some rain and it looks a lot better than it did.  Hopefully will be having some for puddings and canning shortly.  Yes that is a Bramble stem invading the Rhubarb. It will be getting cleared in the cull that will happen shortly.

An appointment has tentatively been arranged with OH to go to the tip, as it is getting to the point in the Herb garden where I am having difficulty moving and bags need to be got rid of.  Whether that is tomorrow or Thursday I do not know.  At the moment.  The request has been put in. The weather forecast for tomorrow is meant to be light showers; whether will be able to get out inbetween or not is another matter.

One last shove of sorting stuff in the Herb border and then a light forking over later should see the bed ready for some plants.  However it looks a heck of a lot tidier than it did. I will show photos of the border once it is cleared.  Once that is all sorted out, I can then set about the pavement and getting that sorted out.  We have a few cracks where weeds have started to come through and so they need removing and a dose of vinegar to kill them off and then a little concrete for the cracks.

I have a couple of honeysuckle and clematis as well in pots and I lightly weeded them as I plan on a couple of them going in the Herb garden in pots and then a couple on the outside wall of the house.  I have a couple of trellis panels which should help them climb.

The Herb garden is in the long narrow border down the side of the house (we are in a Terrace) and it has been somewhat of a project and a lot of hard work, but it will be worth it in the end.  That will be another item ticked off the work list.  I will then have to inch my way down the garden a bit at a time to get that all tidy.  That is an absolute mess and there are a couple of self-set Buddleias that need out but himself is going to have to deal with them.  There are Brambles as well which will be cleared out.  Although I may take some cuttings and put them in pots.  As I have said before I do not mind hard work, but these days because of my arm I cannot do what I used to do.  It is not sitting well with me at the moment.

I have been out in the garden for the best part of the afternoon and I have loved it.  As a kid I hated being cooped up if it rained etc.  When we were children we also used to go and see my Grandparents a lot who had a smallholding.  We were always in the garden then as if you wanted to have a conversation with my Nan you used to have to follow her round the garden as she was always on the go.  Have been around plants all my life, but my love of sowing seed from scratch seems to have come from my Nan.  My Dad was also a prize winning Allotmenteer!  He took it really seriously. I just dabble really.

I did manage to have a few moments sat in the back garden doing a little meditation in the late afternoon sun.  I enjoyed that as it is simply being in your environment and it does so much good as it calms your mind and your body.  I used to meditate on a regular basis but in the last few years that has gone to pot a bit.  Perhaps it is something I should bring back for my own self-preservation on a regular basis.  Trouble is I never want to come back!

I have not cooked today.  I was not hungry, and OH did not want much so he has indulged in some fried cheese!  If I am hungry later on I can grab some soup.  I have days like this where I am not that hungry.

Right am off to do some pottering.

Have a lovely evening wherever you are.

Catch you soon.




  1. Good to hear you enjoying yourself so much outside and making progress.

    1. BB I hadn't realised how much this last winter has got me down on the dull grey and cold front. It has been liberating to be outside. Because of the Raynauds being so bad this year I have kept to the house quite a bit. I think the time is coming where they are going to have to do something about this. Am not on any meds for it and from what I understand part of the treatment is popping you on a drip to open up the veins/arteries so that there is better blood flow; but that in itself can cause haemorrhage and other issues. So will see how things go. Hopefully now I can get out without blue digits will mean I will be moving around a lot more. I have also started doing some wall Pilates for upper arm strength and to try and help with the shoulder. I have just loved being outside thoughxx


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