May Day - Beltane - Bank Holiday Monday in the UK

As we welcome in the Merry Month of May (or Beltane under the far older Pagan tradition), traditionally the month of blossoms and flowers, it makes me wonder where this year has gone to.  It seems to have rushed by far too fast.  That is the trouble these days, I have so much living still to do and yet time that man made thing, seems to be getting faster and faster and you only have to blink and something has happened.  

In a few days time it will be my birthday where I turn another year older.  The vessel may be a bit different to what I was when I was a youngster (I still feel 19 inside though).  Life is for living and I do not feel my age for the best part.  One of the benefits of age is that for me I have become a lot more confident in my decisions and do not bother too much about what people think so much anymore.   Whereas the younger me was very aware and often felt inadequate and socially gauche as well as being terribly shy.  I am still not comfortable in large crowds or parties, and tend to keep myself to myself a lot of the time, but I am happy in one to one friendships or my own company.

Today himself was cooked a big breakfast including mushrooms, sausages, bacon and egg. I could not fancy any and so left it to him. I had a bowl of cereal which does me nicely.  I always have something because of my medication.

The weather forecast had predicted showers today sporadically but all the vegetation is now wet and not drying inbetween times so I have decided to call it a day on the garden. Apparently the weather is meant to be better for the next couple of days so I shall decamp to the garden then.

Today therefore out of necessity has been a kitchen day and I have cooked a Cottage Pie for tea. In reality I hurt like crazy from my efforts of the past couple of days so a day off will not do any harm. If I get chance later on I will wash up some of the containers I need for potting on and for planting. A small start is better than doing nothing at all.

So a quiet day; one for pottering although it has seemed strange not having Molly around my heels whilst I am busy or indeed her constant chatter; a very vocal cat.  Mischief has been with us for the best part and Missy and her seem happy enough.  The only real tension part seems to be feeding, but I make sure that they are fed at the same time to help ease that down a bit.  It is what it is and there are bound to be the odd squabbles here and there, but fingers crossed....

Hope the weather is better tomorrow so that I can really get on.  I have a load of seedlings to prick out and then sow some more seed as well as do more clearance on the garden.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Catch you soon.




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