Staged Plan of attack for the Garden

From this:

To this:

Yesterday evening, I managed to get out as I hoped after tea and started clearing the second side border to the patio slabs.  I have managed to give a rough first weed for three quarters of the side before it started to rain.  Some of the roots were b...... though to get out and I had to use the spade all the way round to shift them.  Not easy to do as they had been in there a while, and I fell off the spade a couple of times trying to shift it as well. However, very pleased that I did get out after being in the house all day due to rain.  The positive of the rain is that it made the weeds a lot easier to remove.  

I still have quite a way to go to the end of this particular side, and then I need to dig down that side to loosen things up a bit.  I will then just have the width of the slabs to work down weeding that as well.  Before that though I do have to remove a lot of old bramble stems, clip them down and then get them into bags in readiness for the tip. A lot of work to achieve before being able to actively clear that particular side. Methodical, yes, it maybe boring work, but it will be worth it in the end.  I will be posting up in stages updates on what I started with as to how I am progressing from next week.  Have had to give myself a little bit of a head start.

Once this is achieved, I will then start to clear the area directly behind this which is also full of brambles.  I have decided to work up to where the Rhubarb is and clear this area as it is an ideal area in which to put a net to put my Sweet Peas up against.  I love Sweet Peas.

After this, I will then go back down to the bottom of the garden in the area I was clearing originally and where the second greenhouse is also to go.  That needs quite a bit of hefty clearing as well before I put the greenhouses up and get things sorted out.  OH will have to help me with the thick trunks on the Buddleia as I just cannot cut them myself.  I found a knife saw I had bought some time back the other day and I believe he is going to use that for this particular purpose.  Then he will have to dig the roots out.

That is the plan of attack at the moment and what I am working towards.

Inbetween all this I still have planters, pots, both small, medium and large to sort out, large greenhouse trays there are several of these to wash and bleach out as well.  Then there are the other side units to check out and clean any of their contents if necessary. Otherwise just organise and sort these out so that can find things easily.  There are also items in the undergrowth that I just cannot get to at the moment as well.

Well it is certainly going to be a challenge.  Fingers crossed everything goes to plan although I am expecting the odd detour here and there.

Will see how it goes!

Catch you soon.




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