Tuesday and Wednesday

 Yesterday (Tuesday) was spent in the garden, however as it was a variable day, I ended up not actually doing any work on the garden per se.  However I did part-tackle a job within that ie after stripping the plant pot holders etc from the greenhouse frame, I ended up with loads of pots and trays that needed washing and preparing for use again.  every year I strip all the used pots down and bleach them in readiness for the next season.  however the covers have gone from where they were stored and they all got filled with water and were in a bit of a mess.  it was therefore a Potty-Pan type of day with me washing and scrubbing them out and rearranging the first of the growing stands with the pots all sorted into sizes etc. the first of the stands has now been sorted out completely.  I have about four other stands to sort out.  Lots of seed trays were also dealt with and as I have a lot of seeds to grow still they will be put into good use relatively quickly.

I have plans for sowing a couple of trays of pea shoots as well as a couple of trays of mixed leaves for cut and come again purposes.  That should save a few pennies in the long run on buying in mixed salad leaves.  The bonus is that if I do not manage to use all the leaves they can be dried and turned into green powders for use in cooking throughout the year.  I intend to do this with a lot of the leaves from the plants I manage to grow as I do not want to waste anything.  There are also the wild green foliage as well such as nettles and other wildings.

On the seed front, the gherkins are now through as are the beans and the nasturtiums and cucumbers.  the first of the greenhouses needs to go up relatively quickly and I am hoping to get this done at the weekend weather permitting.  once the greenhouse is up the seeds can go into the greenhouse and I can set more inside the house to bring them on.  Considering I have not sown seeds for a couple of years I am pleased with how things are progressing.

Today, Wednesday, has been my birthday; another year older. I have had a very quiet day and have been lucky enough to receive many birthday wishes from good long-standing friends and some lovely presents from my step-children. a lot have come via Facebook.  I have been experiencing keyboard problems where I have not been able to type without the words being properly spelt.  g has had the keyboard to pieces and I have been able to type this post which is better than I was doing on Facebook.  however it is still not right.  I had changed the batteries on the mouse and the keyboard however I think it may be time to get a new keyboard.  I am now having to type everything in lower case as when I go to put in capitals at the beginning of the sentence it goes to a different page i.e. google.  I am then going back and am able to pop in the capitals but not speech marks or upper symbols etc.

Tea tonight has been quite fancy; a bacon and egg sarnie.  It has gone down nicely.  Apparently I am being taken for a meal at some point probably later in the week.

Hope everyone has had a good evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. Happy Belated Birthday xxx

  2. That was from me CraftyNan (from istagram) xxx


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