Thursday & Friday Catch Up


A slow paced day today as I did not as I had planned wake early.  I overslept!  Sod's law!

It has as a result been a very quiet day.  I have been pottering around, dealing with bits and bobs but nothing substantial.  I was too warm to do anything first thing, but later in the afternoon I put more washing out and also carried on tidying the Herb border mess.  This very much is a Work in Progress and I keep at it little by little and it is slowly coming right. I also swept the passage out.  I have a Holly tree which keeps losing its leaves; I soon had the passage sorted though.

Some tidying went on in the dining room, sorting out the ironing pile in readiness to be ironed. I also need to sort out on top of the Tumble drier where I have a tub of items which will eventually go into the Pantry.  That will happen tomorrow.  I am not quite sure what is in there at the moment.  Every little bit I am doing, is slowly building up into something bigger.  Just going at things in bite sized chunks at the moment.

We had a nice tea of homemade new potato fat chips, fried egg and Wiltshire Ham.  That went down very nicely with Garlic Mayo and bread and butter.  They were the reduced new potatoes I bought from the Veg shop last week.  

For tomorrow I have some mince to use up and so may well split this into a small Lasagna and a Chilli for the next few days. I Plan on having salad with the Lasagna and may well rustle up some Blancmange or something similar for pudding. The Chilli can be had another day.  I have all the ingredients for both meals, including yogurt (will probably put some mint in) which I tend to have these days if I have a Chilli of any sort.  If there is any mint Raita left over may well use in a potato salad to prevent any waste.  I also have plans to make up some ordinary Mayonnaise and some Garlic Mayonnaise.  I plan on getting another Chicken tomorrow and both will go well with this. Planning forward little by little.


Another very hot day.  Really too hot to do anything, but trying to do a bit here and there.

Up reasonably early and into morning routine of breakfast, feed the animals.  They get quite impatient if not fed on time.  Didn't you know they just cannot get the staff.  Pottering around doing small jobs that can be done in passing.  More washing and pottering jobs.  Too darn hot.

More washing on and more washing hung out.  Best part is it is dry very quickly and comes in aired - just needs ironing.

Had a telephone appointment with the Physio Department. going through background detailed medical history and detailed information as to what is going on with the arm.  They want to see me  at the hospital to see what is going on with the arm and then will be able to assess what type of physio needed.  Apparently I have been doing the right thing with the upper arm exercises I have been doing.  Am to continue keeping the arm moving; equally if I am in discomfort with it, to take it a bit steadier.  Should apparently receive appointment within next month or so.  We shall therefore see what we will see.  At least it is now a stage further on than it was which is the main thing.

Been pottering in the kitchen and heading towards the Pantry to try and tackle that again.  Will probably shift some bits under the stairs for the time being in order to free up space to get the Pantry stripped out, washed down and painted.  Keep edging towards it.  Am making a concerted effort on this.  I have a need to get this all done and dusted then I can really get stuck in elsewhere.  Keep doing my best.  Some days are better than others. The humidity does not help. I have never been good at dealing with extreme heat or indeed extreme cold.

Once it is cooler I will go out and have another go at the problem area in the Herb garden.  Will also water the plants up when cooler as well.

Supposed to be cooler on the long term weather forecast but not that much cooler.  Rain (what's that) is predicted for Sunday.  Am not so sure that will happen.  We desperately need it and if it does containers will be out to catch some of the precious liquid for watering up!

Hope everyone has had a good day and has a good evening.

Catch you soon.



P.S.  Already have my physio appointment for 18 July.  Now that is what I call service!



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