
Shattered from yesterday's shenanigans, and to unexpected and unwanted dog and cat manoeuvre's in the dark, twice, I ended up oversleeping.  When I did wake up to a whining dog, it was only to find that G had fled the house. I hadn't got a clue. It transpires that by the time he came back, he had been to the tip twice.  There was still a small load to go, and so I went with him for the final trip this time out.  

We then took a detour to a Butcher that we used to use an awful lot when we had the freezers.  I have come back with enough meat for the week.  Have bought a slipper of Gammon for cooking and slicing for Sandwiches or to use in Quiches, or with pasta £10.04 (2kg in weight) for the piece. A tray of minted Lamb chops (1kg) £10 for the pack, a hefty pack of bacon (2/25kg) £12, 4 Rib Eye steaks £20, a tray of Pork Loin steaks (1.3kg) £10.00, a tray of Chipolata Lincolnshire sausages £5. A Black Pudding £2.00 some bread buns, a jar of Cranberry sauce £1.40, and a couple of bottles of Barrs Ice Cream Soda (I love Ice Cream Soda).  Some good eating there and more than a reasonable amount in each pack.

I love going to my proper Butcher, and by choice would nearly always go there.  However, in this day and age, you have to keep yourself fed without paying through the nose.  The Butcher's we went to today (an it is a proper Butcher shop) started off by selling at the local markets, eventually developing into a bulk buying off-shoot as well as a freezer centre and other commodities.  It is above average on the meat front and very good for the price and quantity.  An important factor if you have a family to feed as well.  We have also in the past used a local Cash & Carry where I have sourced whopping big trays of chicken breasts also for the freezer.  Not the thin chicken breasts these were extremely thick.  I think we used to pay about £20 a tray. I noticed that the Butcher had them in today and he was charging £30.  However, would have to go and have a look at the Cash and Carry to see if they were any cheaper.  Not that I can have them at the moment.  I know that a lot of the Eastern European families use both shops and buy a lot of stuff in bulk from them.

Now if I had the freezer I would have bought a couple of packs of each and then repackaged them down into portions for two and stashed them away in the freezer.  In fact we were pleasantly surprised that the prices were still as good as they were. There were still plenty of offers and good deals. There was a particularly good deal on roasting joints and on a full large Leg of Lamb.  Will go back there next time a joint is needed; on Beef and Pork as well.  Much more the prices and the sizes of joints that I have been after.  I believe in buying a larger joint where I can, as I think the meat cooks better treated this way cook it up, and then cook up extra veggies and then pack up with sliced meat and the veggies in boxes, add lots of gravy and then freeze.  You then have a ready made meal when you needed it i.e. during the week after coming home from work.  Alternatively just slicing the meat and making sure that it has plenty of gravy.  It means that you in the longer run provide more meat for your family in the form of meals, less energy costs to cook it, and no need necessarily to buy in a joint every week, as you have replacements if you need them.  Especially good for teenagers to make sure they have a proper meal as all you need to do is pop them in the Microwave to warm them through.  Same for your Hubbie or partner if you are taken ill.  Family is still getting fed.

When my lovely Nan was alive, my Mum and I used to freeze any meat and veggies cooked doing this between us, and provide her with homecooked meals during the week. If one of us went to see her would go with the other's frozen offerings so that she was well stocked.  After always having provided for herself lots of good eating she could not tolerate the meals that were given to her on Meals on Wheels as it used to be. I must stress we gave these meals to her, after all she had nourished and looked after us when we were in need, and therefore Nan needed the help so we helped her.

Have also been to the local Asian shop as I was after a new net of onions. They are now £3.70 for a large net, but they are very large onions as well, so one outweighs the other.  There were also one or two staples for the Pantry shelf that I was after.  Bought two large packs of Dessicated Coconut for baking and also for adding to Muesli £3.69 per bag.  Also bought another kilo of Pudding Rice £2.79 per kilo bag.  Will probably try and get a couple of more kilos of the Pudding Rice and also the Dessicated Coconut in due course to add to the stash.  I do use a lot of the Dessicated Coconut in baking. Little by little otherwise I am building up dried goods for the Pantry Store.  

I still need to buy in Pecans, Almonds, Macademia, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame seeds, Mixed Seed mix and Pistachios, Black Poppy seeds and some Cashews.

Have also bought in some garlic powder £1.13, some whole black peppercorns £1.29, some Linseed seeds for Muesli £2.29.  As have said a few things here and there give me a basic stock and then am able to build on it.  Next time I shall buy in a few bags of Golden Sultanas and also some Sliced Coconut for adding to Muesli and also White Mustard Seeds and Brown Mustard Seeds and some Almond Oil.

On going to the Co-Op, I did get a couple of good deals.  I have not been buying Stork margarine for baking because of the price increase on it.  I managed to get three tubs for £1.09 because of the date stamp compared to £2.50 a tub full price.  It will not linger long on my fridge shelf as I am always doing a little baking here or there.  I also managed a similar saving on three tubs of Anchor spreadable butter.  Down from £4.75 a tub to £1.97 a tub again for the same reason.  Cost me roughly £6 for the three tubs compared to £4.75 a tub.  Therefore a good saving, yet again reduced for the same reason, and yet again will not linger long on the fridge shelf.  So quite pleased with those bargains.  Also bought in some lard for pastry.  Also bought in some Sugar as stores are rather depleted at the moment.

Tonight's tea for us is Fillet steak.  I am having mine sandwich style with some fried onions.  OH is having chips, Fillet Steak, fried onions, side salad and fried mushrooms.  We should have had the Steak the other evening but was not in the mood to have it, so better late than never.

Today therefore very much has been mostly a house/food orientated day rather than the garden.  There are bread rolls being made, and G can have a fry up in the morning now if he wants one.  Will have to make another loaf or two tomorrow in any event.

I have been to visit the greenhouse though and everything seems to be settling down properly.  Hopefully on Saturday I will get to do more in retrieving the garden and also get some more stuff done in the greenhouse.  Maybe once things are cleared a bit more I will be able to get the other greenhouse up.  Then I can really get going as long as I get some more compost.  Only a limited amount for this year, but next year is a different matter.

Catch you soon.




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