Saturday Things do go wrong, but sometimes they are a happy accident

 I started off the dough in the bread machine last night for some Bread Buns, which are when you amalgamate all the ingredients together a form of Brioche as you have butter, egg, and sugar in the mix.  At the end of the cycle, well 50 minutes before the end of the cycle, I was meant to dig the dough mix out and shape it into buns, and then leave to prove.  Guess who forgot about it!  Yep me.  It was 2:00am before I realised and I ended going downstairs to see what had happened.  I was too late and the dough had cooked.  It had risen well above the top of the pan, and had sunk a bit.  It was a devil to get out of the pan though, which I did and then wrapped in a tea towel.  

We tried it for breakfast, and it was a very soft loaf, but very tasty.  So much so, I decided that if possible later on during the day I would cook a batch up.  As it turned out that did not happen for other reasons.  However, the disaster turned out okay.  Might try it again as a softer loaf in its own right.

G managed to do a bit more in the garden today.  I have been below par again and therefore stuck to the house.  I ended up watching the Peter O'Toole epic about Lawrence of Arabia.  A film I saw many years ago.  The Book Seven Pillars of Wisdom about his life was one of the chosen books for our O Level English Literature exam.  I have always been fascinated with Egypt as my father had spent a length of time there with the Air Force.  My bedtime stories as a little un, involved sand dunes, magic carpets, camels, mirages and tales of dancing girls.  A little bit exotic in the sixties. 

I do plan on going out and getting stuck in, in the garden again tomorrow.  G has managed to clear in front of the greenhouse, now it is up to me to sort out what is actually left and cleared.  I understand that he is then going to do the next section.  I therefore need to get the chopped bits down to the top end of the garden in readiness for being bagged up.  I now have bin liners so should be able to get the patio slabs sorted quite a bit tomorrow.  

Weather here today has been a bit overcast and cooler than it has been.

I also have to go out into the front garden and sort the holly leaves that have fallen from the tree, and also wash the front windows.  So lots of work planned for Sunday.  Weather is supposed to be fine with no rain and reasonably warm, so should be able to get stuck in.

Also planned for Sunday dinner tomorrow are the minted Lamb chops together with petit-pois, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and of course gravy.

Catch you soon.




  1. I put my Breadmaker on this evening, on the timer, and hope to have a loaf ready for breakfast tomorrow. I haven't done a brioche dough for ages. You've inspired me to do one...

    1. Aw, I just love good food. The only difference I found with my loaf was that it was not as crusty as a normal one, but very tasty and it seems to have kept better than the other one. Hope yours works out too Tricia x


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