The Education of a Troll

 What would you do with a Troll? One of the obnoxious breed that will not put their name to paper but dares to vent her outrage at a post I put up quite some time ago where I refer to a "sprig of something". 

Apparently this Troll does not know his/her ar.. from her elbow. Probably just a passing one who is just after a reaction. Totally uneducated as she/he does not know what a sprig of something is.

Please let me educate him/her further.


Pretty straightforward do you not think.  Not everything is denoted by size whether that be Imperial or Metric.

I do not need to do anything because he/she has made an utter Pratt of himself/herself.  All Huff n Puff and so full of ego that he/she thinks that his/hers is the only opinion.  Apparently the article refers to me being a bit like a Witch.  Hello sweetheart, didn't you know I fly a Turbo powered vacuum cleaner, and mix spells and potions.  I don't need to do anything, but you need to change your attitude.

Fortunately it has not wound me up.  I really see the funny side. It really saddens me that these people vent their frustrations on everyone else yet they are the one with the real problem. They are the not normal! So, so sad.  I hate Bullies don't you especially when they stamp their little foot "Staccato" style.

Life has a way of paying back deed for deed so I do not need to vilify or glorify them.  Just shake my head in disbelief and wish you love and life in the future (whatever form that may take)

Answers on a postcard please.




  1. I do not mind if someone disagrees with an opinion. But I do not like personal attacks on people, and unkind words.

    1. Nor do I Angela but you did not see the post. I found it sniping and offensive and that is my opinion. I do not like bullying either, but equally am not afraid to stand up for myself or others. In all the years I have been blogging (and that is a few years now) I have never seen a post so nasty and out of the blue and so out of date. I wish no one harm but equally the Trolls do not have a place in Blogland. Love them and wish them well for the future.

  2. Let's hope that Karma swiftly comes and bites them up the btm. If they don't know what a sprig is then they need to go back to school, where they can also learn good manners whilst they're at it.

  3. All very well put, Tricia, Well said! CraftyNan 21 xxx


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