The Hot Date did not happen

 with the Chip Fryer yesterday and so has been postponed until Tuesday. It needs a good scrub up and then new oil added and it can then be put back on the worktop.

I did manage to sit down after a lovely tea, and have stitched up another four pumpkins.  That is 7 now stitched up.  Getting there slowly. Have one more to stitch up but not in the mood to focus this evening.  Simple knitting is another matter.  If there are any bits and bobs left over of wool, I will put them into a scrap UFO crochet blanket that I have been working on and off from odds and ends.  These darker nights will mean will be able to keep warm and do some crafting.  I have a lot to do, not just on the knitting front.

Today was busy although I did not get a lot done.  Spent most of today doing the Laundry and getting it dry in the fresh air.  Still some more to do, and a pile of blankets to freshen up to go away for using in the winter months.  They are going into a storage box until they are needed, but need a nice sunny day for this.

As I indicated yesterday I am back to lists and am keen to get a lot done this week.  I might be over-estimating again this week, but I have to start somewhere.

As part of the preserving process I recycle whatever jars I use and then refill them again.  I had a few from this week so they have been scrubbed up and popped under the stairs until they are needed which is going to be quite a bit according to my list this week.  There were a couple of Pickle jars in there as well.  So they are gradually building up. I also washed some more yesterday and they have also been put under the stairs as has the chutney I made the other day.

Priority to start with today though has been given over to the kitchen.  I really need to get stuck in and stop prevaricating.  Despite my best efforts, knee deep in washing up, and sorting out cupboards as I went.  The kitchen is still not finished.  Will have another go tomorrow.  However the Laundry is nearly all done.

I have brought some more mint in from the garden and hung it on the Dresser.  I had to take down some mini cones I had drying there before putting the mint up.  That is going into the Tea jar once it has been dried.  Hopefully in a few days.

I had my physio appointment earlier on and was put through my paces and given a good but gentle workout. Lots of arm exercises and getting different movements in.  On the rowing machine, wall presses, some of them were causing a bit of discomfort, but after all I am there to try and get more flexibility and  motion into my arm. I feel such a fraud as the ladies in the group have all broken their shoulders and recovering from surgery.  I have a restriction in the Rotor cuff and my arm is not travelling all the way round properly and is causing a lot of discomfort especially at night.  I cannot move my right arm above my chest without any form of discomfort and the classes are to strengthen the muscles and get back as much rotation and strength in the arm as they can.  I can put my arms straight up no problem but to the side, the arm is not happy about.

Yesterday I had both the Covid jab and the Flu jab.  Funnily enough the chap who gave the injections I never felt him give the Covid.  The Flu one a different matter.  Yesterday it was the Flu arm that was playing up.  Today it is the Covid arm.  I had one in each arm.  A bit of bad planning bearing in mind the physio, but hey it is only the depth that varies and I wanted it out of the way and done with.  No prevaricating here. Now a little tired and so am going to sit for the evening, and give my arm some gentle exercise with my knitting needles and get another one or two pumpkins on the go.

The nights are really starting to draw in here and on checking the weather at the moment it looks as though it is going to be a showery morning not good for getting the blankets dry.  So depending on what weather is for the rest of the week will depend on when I set too and deal with it.  Weather for Thursday looks good at the moment and so will try and get out on a forage then to see what I can locate. G will leave me to my own devices and I will just ring him when I am ready.

Anyway it will be back to my list for tomorrow. I have managed to do one or two other things that were not on the list, but more on that another day.

Hope you all have a lovely evening and make the best of what comes your way.

Catch you soon.




  1. Those are great little pumpkins.

    1. Thank youx Could be neater - that's me telling me off x


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