Catch up on Sunday

What a warmer day here it has been in Peterborough today.

The day did not start well, the cat parked herself on my bed not long after her breakfast and promptly threw up everywhere.  As a consequence the bed was stripped of everything (had only had fresh linen a couple of days ago) thank goodness it is working again, and re-washed.  Managed to get most of it dried outside apart from the patchwork throw which got bundled into the tumble drier.  The duvet although air dried was also given a tumble in the drier to air it a bit.  I also had the mattress cover off as well.  So today really has been a laundry day as I have also washed a lot of clothes. Although the laundry pile has now diminished, the ironing pile has increased! My Nan would have been horrified at me laundry on a Sunday; some of it I had no choice with.  Still have a little more to do tomorrow including the boil washes for cottons and tea towels.  Sorry I am still very traditional about clothes or items that get a lot of use and I like to make sure that they are extremely clean, plus it does the washer good to have a really hot wash.  

I have also been in the kitchen a bit washing and drying stuff down.  I will be back in there tomorrow concentrating on the kitchen now that I have most of the laundry done and dusted. I am just hoping it is as good weather wise as what it has been today.

Unusually, we did not fancy much for tea tonight. I therefore went rootling through to the fridge to see what I could find.  I had forgotten about four huge sweetcorn that I bought the other week and so they got turfed out of the fridge and into a nice hot boiling pan of water and were cooked and served with butter.  They went down very nicely indeed.  G then had a bacon Buttie and I had a pancake with Blackberry syrup.  It did us both very nicely.  Tomorrow evening I will probably cook again, maybe a Cottage Pie.  Will see.

I did not manage to do any crafting last night and hopefully will get back to this on Monday evening.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.  I am very much in crafting mode at the moment and have been enjoying what I have been doing.  I will get this pincushion out of the way with and then have a look at some of the knitting projects underway.  Need to get those sorted.

Right that has caught up to the start of a new week.  A new week beckons.

Catch you soon.




  1. Monday is laundry day for me, so that is happening now. How thoughtful of your cat to leave you that gift!

    1. Sandra, Monday is mainly the Laundry day here. Yes I can relate to that. I wasn't best pleased but not really a lot could do about it. She normally comes straight away like a little dog if you call her. Not this time though. On the practical side it could have been a lot worse despite the extra work!


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