Getting stuck in

It has been a cold, wet dreich day here; as I type the rain is falling heavily as we slip into early evening.  A day where you just want to be bundled up not doing very much and just being in the moment.

However, today has been a day of action for me for a change despite the weather and despite me not being 100%.  Its the damp and rain that is jiggering me up today.  However, I have tried to remain focused.  I have been in the kitchen and am starting to get stuff sorted in there, cupboards are slowly being re-arranged and stuff that was out of the cupboards is slowly going back in together with a few more items. I have found 2lb Bread tins which I had been looking for (which were in the dining room) and they have now been put into the relevant cupboard with other tins of similar shape and size.  It will be good to get this shambles all sorted out.  I am having to stop every so often for a sit down, but better that than not being able to get on at all. Even though the weather is being the weather, we are long striding into Winter again even though it is still technically Autumn.  We also turn the clocks back at the end of the month

Tonight is going to be an easy tea, the remains from yesterday so that should make life a little more easy and it will be a one pot dish (as all the washing up was done yesterday) in relation to the meal.  Will just be cutlery, plates and the casserole dish used for the Cottage Pie last night.  I had intended to make Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup this evening bearing in mind that the weather has gone colder and we need more substantial hot meals (at least I do).  I am quite happy with a big bowl of soup and some bread to warm me up during the winter months.  I like simple but good food that is tasty. However I think I will make that tomorrow morning so that I can concentrate on and focus on the job I have in hand for the present.  I also have plans for Pumpkin, French Onion, mixed veggie and carrot soups; maybe even a cream of chicken or chicken noodle soup at some point as well, not forgetting tomato.  Soup is a good way of keeping the family "full" for next to nothing or just using leftovers from the fridge. My Nan used to  make a lovely Monday soup from some of the leftovers from the Sunday dinner.  Was always warming and tasty.  One of the reasons my Mum and my Nan always served plenty of gravy; it never went to waste as any leftover would end up in soup.

As I work I tend to multi-task in any event, there is usually washing going on, or some drying either on the line or in the Tumbler.  Sometimes I stop off to do something else, but not today.  Today I am focusing.

I still have not got to my crafting this week.  I need my magnifier but cannot lay my hands on it at the moment. It will turn up it always does.  I will probably set one of my frames up to work this for ease. In all probability the rate things are going, it will probably be Saturday evening before I can start working it, but if I can locate everything and set it  up that should mean that I will be able to get stuck in.  Sometimes things do not pull together like you need or want them too and it is just a matter of working with the flow.  I will then in all probability work on it again on Sunday afternoon.  Weather forecast is not too brilliant so might as well take some time for myself.  I enjoy creating something out of nothing and it relaxes me.  It would not do if we were all wired the same, but I really love doing things like this. A real favourite and something which I have not done for a long time is just to put my feet up and listen to some music preferably classical although I like a lot of modern music as well.  I have not read either for a long while despite having a stash of books to read, maybe this winter I will get to them.

One thing I do want to have a go at over the winter months if I can is try and have a go at doing some painting.  It has always fascinated me, but I really haven't got a clue when it comes to this beautiful form of self-expression or how to use the paints and brushes.  Will just be water colour to start with I have paints and brushes in my stash somewhere. Will see how I get on. I can but have a go.

Tea is now on as the day gets darker slipping into night.  The rain is coming down constantly; G is going deaf and cannot hear the rain chucking down.  I can; it is going to be a long night.

Catch you soon.




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