Wednesday Evening/Thursday

 Well I am pleased to report that something got finished last night.  My fingerless mittens were completed and I am well chuffed with them.  They were relatively easy to make.  The pattern only offered one size, and when I make a future pair I will add a few more stitches to adjust the width a little bit.   I want to be able to wear a pair of gloves underneath, as because of the Raynaud's Syndrome my hands go blue.  I have had a period of about four months where my hands have not gone purple/blue.  However with the drop in temperature the past few days I have had blue icicles for fingers again.  The pattern is here for those interested in having a go for themselves.


Here are my completed Handwarmers/fingerless mittens.  I am well chuffed with them.


I met with a very good friend for a coffee and put the world to rights with her.  Lovely to see her again.

Since then, I have been pottering in the kitchen, washing, cleaning, pottering around trying to do a bit.

I went into the greenhouse and harvested the chillies quite a few today.

I have also been to the veg shop and bought some of the "Howgate Wonder" apples 4kg for making apple pie filling for the Pantry shelf.  I am mixing in some eating apples to give them a bit more texture and make them go a bit further.  I also if I can afford it hope to get some more of these as well.  Apple is the one I seem to use an awful lot of and supplies are low at the moment.  Also need to make some plain apple sauce as well.  Will probably get Bramleys for doing that.

I also bought 1kg of shallots.  I shall buy in a few more kilos yet if I can get them.  Still plenty of preserving to do though and plenty of other things too.

I really need to get a wriggle on.  Today though has generally been a good day and I have felt far more motivated than I have in previous days.

Also a strange thing seems to have happened with my arm.  After physiotherapy on Monday whilst in bed trying to sleep I felt something pop in my back/arm.  I had mentioned to the physio that it felt as though something was out in my back, but that is not what the ultrasound had revealed.  I have been able to do some of the side movements that I had not been able to, so fingers crossed that something is happening to improve the situation.  The arm has been less painful at night since then.  So will wait and see what happens at physio next week and inbetween of course.  Might just be wishful thinking on my part.

We have some fresh sweetcorn for tea.  Not really hungry again as it goes sometime.  We did eat very well yesterday and sometimes you have to come up for air a bit and have a breather - well I do.  

Right am off to potter.  Not sure whether am going to do anything this evening.  You never know with me.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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