No post tonight

 Am up to my ears as usual.  Will report on progress later in the week.  However will try to pop in the odd post here and there as I go along.  Must be focused - have had a recovery of energy.  It has been cold  and that always seizes me up, but not as cold today so am making the most of it.  I am also going to have to do some sewing in the next week for door curtains and things like that, as well as hopefully a pelmet for the kitchen.  Just have to locate the fabric for that though. I think I know where that is.  Nothing fancy just simple sewing.  So plenty going on and I am having to focus to make the best of the time when I am firing on all pistons!

Yellow Marigolds, wash cloths, Dusters, Polish, Paint, sewing machine, needle and thread are all playing their part.  Tiz just the depth that varies.

However wherever you are keep safe, loving and happy.

Catch up soon.




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