Blessed by the Sun today

 not seen this for quite a few days so it has been for me a real treat to see.  Always makes me feel better and optimistic. Always puts a different complexion on things.

Yes chilly, but we are in winter after all.

I hope all those affected by the Snow keep safe and warm and snug.

Not much has gone on here today.  I was late up as I did not sleep at all well last night or comfortably.  It is what it is and how it goes. It makes for a long night though. I am also not firing on all cylinders.  The cold really seizes me up

I have therefore been pottering doing bits and bobs.  Nothing specific.  Some of the washing up pile has been depleted hopefully will be finished off tomorrow. Washing is just down to some boil washes bath towels and then that is all done and dusted.

As I am sat at the keyboard typing this post, the temperature here in Peterborough is down to -2 degrees and I am going to sit and cut some more templates for my patchwork Hexie quilt. 

Some of the stitched panels

Starting to work on cutting the inner paper templates.

So little steps to try and get a project moving again.

I am working on this again whilst listening to the TV or doing something inbetween on the computer.  Will try not to be too late tonight to try and catch up on some sleep.

Tea was a duplicate of yesterday and went down very nicely again.  Hopefully will be back into the swing of things tomorrow.

So little steps lead to bigger strides with hopefully at some point in the future will have a beautiful heirloom quilt for my bed.

Keep warm and keep safe.

Catch  you soon.




  1. That quilt looks like it will be so pretty when it's done.

    1. Thank you I hope so. I am a novice when it comes to patchwork and quilting. Never made a big quilt before at all. I feel it could be a strong learning curve.xx

  2. How pretty that will don when it's finished. Have pleasure and fun making it :)

  3. Thank you Jennie. I hope so. I have been enjoying making this it is giving a lot of pleasure but it is a learning curve as well. Fingers crossed I want these WIP/UFOs done and dusted. I know realistically will not be able to complete this year, but I can get a lot further on than I have been. xxx


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