Plans for Tomorrow

Well have had a slow and steady day today.  Managed to get rid of the bulk of the washing, still a couple of more loads to go.

Also managed to clear the kitchen worktop today and get some semblance of order there as well.  Having the little trolley table in the kitchen is already paying dividends.  Is going to prove to be very useful.  I am also starting to sort out other little bits and bobs as well in between everything else including odd items from the Pantry.  Lots of little actions going on, being done in the course of other things, but which will collectively add up at the end of the day.  I am also in the pros of trying to create a new routine for kitchen work and cooking to try and make life a lot easier in the longer run.

Managed to get a load of drying done as well which also very pleased about.  So as I say a slow day, but getting stuff out of the way with is very satisfying.

Had a very simple tea tonight as I really could not fancy much to eat.  In the end had homemade chips and eggs, which was more than enough for me.  I just really was not that hungry.  Sometimes go like this.

Tomorrow there will be a marathon washing up session but I will then be cooking some bits and bobs.  I now have all my tea towels boiled and clean.  So am all geared up for getting on in this respect.

We are having a homemade cottage pie for tea tomorrow and on Sunday.  I am making a big one so tea sorted out for two nights on the trot.  Will then have a pudding of some sort to follow - will be a different pudding on each night.

If I can get to some baking done tomorrow I will also do some.  See how we get on.

Tomorrow the kitchen will get scrubbed out as well.

I really also could do with a cast iron large round Dutch Oven/Casserole for making bread.  |I do not have any large oven style cast iron Casserole dishes at all, in my great array of cooking utensils.  Will need to get this sorted out.  At one point I had a couple of cast iron frying pans and a griddle which are sadly missed.

I am also considering putting my bread to prove in my Pantry, once it has been updated.  The Pantry is what I call more of a dry larder and my veg does not last five minutes in there as it seems to be a lot warmer than a normal Pantry is.  I consider it more of a dry storage area than anything else.  I therefore believe it could be a good environment for my bread to prove.  The kitchen itself gets extremely cold and always has.  I will also have to find a warmer environment for any future Sourdough starter attempts to be stored as well.  I intend to have another go at this in due course once I am sorted and the kitchen organisation has been refined a bit more.  It may be that the Pantry will suit on both counts.  Will see what happens in due course.

Also on the list to make is some Curd cheese.  When I was growing up my Nan used to regularly make a very large English cooked cheesecake which had a pastry side and base, was filled with curd cheese and soaked sultanas.  As youngsters we were not keen on this at all. However as young adults we became very fond of this pudding.  I fancied having a go at this and so I plan in the next few days or so to attempt to have a go at making one from scratch.  The curd cheese will be left to drip overnight before having a go at making the cheesecake.  Will see what happens and how I get on.  I do need to get a couple of Lemons though.

I also need to make some yogurt as well; probably a couple of batches as I need some for breakfasts for me during the week, some possible puddings and also for use in some baking.  It also makes a good coating for dipping chicken into before bread-crumbing and cooking.

I need the kitchen completely clear though before I start on the preserving again, which will be in the next couple of days.

So slow steps forward very gradually.  Fingers crossed that it continues.  It will be good to get this all done and dusted and workable long-term.

Catch you soon.




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