A Busy Day

With loads of washing accomplished and getting it dry on the line.  Still have a load more to do so will be very much a repeat of the same old thing tomorrow.  I have been in and out all day and I must say that the weather has been lovely.  Quite happy with it how it has been today.  Icing on the cake would be to able to have a nice drop of cider.  That will have to wait though.

In between times I have been cleaning in the kitchen.  It is deep clean time and it takes at least a couple of days to get it completely bottomed out, but getting there with lots of washing up and cleaning in-between.

I am as I say deep-cleaning.  The Hob has been stripped down and degreased and all the bits taken off and cleaned.  Did you know that toothpaste is very good with an old toothbrush at cleaning up the Hob dispersers for the gas the light grey bits (not the tops).  Soon gets it very clean.

Tomorrow the small oven and grill will get stripped out and the window glass taken out and scrubbed up as well.  Then the bottom oven will be sorted out.  Love it when the cooker is all nice and sparkling clean.

As I had some very good sausages to use up (never send a man out for sausages they come back with far too many than can be used up in a couple of days).  Therefore as I still had plenty of salad stuff left over I set too with some puff pastry and made 8 very chunky sausage rolls and we had those with various salads, new boiled minted and buttered potatoes, coleslaw, mixed salad leaves, tomatoes, cheese, onion etc.  Went down very nicely.

And not forgetting the pudding made of a couple of sachets of Banana Angel Delight.  Have found that two sachets and 1 pint of milk make a decent serving of pudding for the two of us!  I buy from Home Bargains at about 79p per sachet.  Co-Op charge £1 per sachet!  Makes a good quick pudding just to finish a meal off.

I was going into the garden again this evening but my back is playing up tonight so will get there sometime tomorrow.

Just loving this nicer weather.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Just finishing catching up on your blog posts since you got back up and running - you have certainly been busy in the garden! I loved the list of breakfast - I eat breakfast on the 3 mornings that I go into the office and I do like to switch things up and I especially enjoy a number of savoury options - breads, cheeses, tomatoes & avocados are particular favourites. I just boiled a pot of eggs to use up this week but tomorrow will be overnight oats with yogurt, berries, peanut butter and apple sauce. It is very filling and keeps me going well into the afternoon.

    The kitchen is next on my list for more of a deep clean but it will be done in stages. I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis so I have had to learn to pace myself. I sometimes get impatient and overdo things but I am getting better.

    Glad you are back!

    1. Hi Margie, sorry about the Fibro and the RA. I commiserate as I have a whole raft of auto immune issues including the RA and I do experience a lot of pain, (although no diagnosis of fibro, but my cousin has the fibro so its possible) but this could be down to these other rare conditions. I have been resting up more than I used to in order that I can get stuff done even though it feels alien it has meant have been able to continue on most days and get a reasonable amount done. Today the weather is gorgeous but the humidity is up and that always holds me back a bit. Just take it steady. I am really enjoying my breakfasts at the moment. Take care Tricia xx


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