Awake at 5:00am

 Because someone could not settle to go to sleep.  No this time it wasn't Missy, who is making a remarkable recovery but G.  What a time to start playing computer games. 

Dawn was coming in and it looked grey and drab although I love to hear the birds sing.  Have not heard the Cockerel since the other day.  Afraid I nodded off again as I was cream-crackered. However I have exacted my revenge.  

I woke at 8:00am.  It is still grey and warming up a tad there is City noise but the birds are not as vibrant as they are at Dawn when they sing their sweetest notes.

G was still asleep and despite being quiet I managed to wake him (he wasn't ready to get up) so the wicked part of me is slightly pleased that I have exacted some revenge on him disturbing me earlier on.  He has nodded off again now.

Me am off to grab a cup of tea and come too gracefully and maybe get some breakfast too.

The animals are also out for the count!

Once the animals are fed a little later it will be back into the front bedroom for me.  

Mum feeds them!  They look at G in disdain as it is not considered his job.  Mum however is a different quantity.  Both come to Mum if they are after something.  Unusually this morning there is no battle with Mischief as to who has residence of my typing chair - she usually tries to budge me off!

Happy Sunday whatever time you come too gracefully.

Catch up later on.




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