Fingers crossed Back in Business

New keyboard has arrived (birthday present) and I am a happy bunny again.  I have the keyboard and my fingers  typing properly back!  Was driving me absolute nuts with everything being joined up and very disconcerting as I was still trying to draft stuff in the interim. Those posts will take a bit of editing but at least there is something down on paper.

Well it was a significant birthday yesterday. Not quite sure what happened to get me where I am today, the depth still varies an awful lot. I had a lovely peaceful and quiet day.  Weather is usually decent for my birthday, but yesterday was horrible and cold and a day for hibernation. I did not do much either. Tea was for me some lovely Smoked Haddock served with poached eggs and a couple of slices of bread and butter. Pudding strawberries and cream. Nice and simple and tasty.  Made a lovely change.

This week looks as though it is going to be a lot warmer and I am grateful for that means I can get outside a bit after being cooped up all winter long and try and sort some stuff out.  I did manage to get out the other day for a while, but more on that later on.

Hopefully now with the better weather I will be able to get a few more projects sorted out.

Catch up later on.




  1. Welcome back to the land of blogging!

    1. Thank you Sandra, relieved to be back. Very frustrating coming up with ideas and not being able to write them on the keyboard. As I am so used to typing, my fingers are the extension of my ideas. Things are flowing better now xx

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes, Tricia and so nice to see you back here. Spread the birthday feeling through the weekend and have a good bank holiday CraftyNan xx

    1. Thank you Crafty Nan. Will try to do that. Very relieved to be back and being able to type properly when I get ideas. I tend to start off or part write posts when I have the ideas and then when they are executed complete them, but not being able to type was driving me scranny. Hope you are keeping well too Tricia xx


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