
Even though I have decided probably not to do as much plant growing as I would wish to do at this precise moment in time, I am intent on growing herbs for drying and Christmas decorating for this year.

I have a Bay tree in the garden and therefore have a plentiful supply of Bay leaves for my use.  It is only a small tree.  However, I am keen to get several Rosemary plants started and also, Basil, Thyme, more different Mints, Parsley and Sage.  I am keen to try and do this on the barest amount of money though bearing in mind that I do not have many pennies to spend in the first place.  I shall if the weather permits plant some seeds today or at least start to plant some with a view to having plants available for use during Winter/Spring.  We shall therefore see what happens.

I intend to buy some smaller herb plants where I can and split them to increase my base stock.  Basil grows very well with Tomatoes.  When I have tomatoes in the greenhouse I normally pop a Basil plant in front of the Tomato to ensure that I have a healthy supply of both Tomatoes and Basil.

In the past, and I hope next week I have bought Herb plants from the likes of Waitrose and in particular their Chive plants and planted up troughs and grown them on.  This has resulted in a healthy supply of Chives for preserving i.e. dried and for fresh use.  Once they became established the plants also threw up Blossoms.  I hope to repeat this year (did not get to last year and the year before that we had the fire) so that I can hopefully get the plants well established for next year 2025, and then be able to make Chive Vinegar.

Nasturtiums are also a good one to grow as they can be a sacrifice plant if bugs strike especially if grown alongside edible vegetables and squashes. They are brilliant in hanging baskets, window boxes and planters. Well worth the growing as the leaves, flowers and seeds can all be preserved as well as providing a wonderful blast of colour.  They are also good to plant with Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Melons and Courgettes.   Also good grown with Tomatoes, Peppers and Aubergines.  Last year I had my Peppers and Cucumbers in one greenhouse and Tomatoes in the other. This year I also intend to not only grow Basil with the Tomatoes but some Nasturtiums too.

All ideas at the moment, but something I want to do to try and increase my herb stock quickly.  Can only try - I know others have done this particularly consistently and well.  My mint cuttings certainly took off by this method last year so will see what I can find when I go to the shop at the end of the week.

In reality I hope to be able to do more than I think I will be able to do with everything else that is going on in the house.  Will see what happens.

What herbs do you grow if any and do you stockpile for use during the winter months.

Catch you soon.




  1. You probably know this, but incase you don't.....Rosemary over-winters well in the house if in a sunny spot. I have two large plants that I bring in every autumn.

    1. Hi Sandra, funnily enough I did not know that. I left mine out over winter but will make sure that will bring in now. Thanks for that. Take care Tricia xx


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