Operation Front Bedroom has commenced Days One and Two

I have started dealing with this whilst I have been unwell.  I must point out I am a lot better than I was.  I am a Work in Progress and healing, and so I started on Wednesday 15 May 2024 with Operation Front Bedroom.  

Day One

So far found all sorts of goodies which I am not parting with - a lot are brand new or have been bought by people no longer with us.  That is a big thing for me the memories.  They never go and are mine for the foreseeable. I am the same with photographs.  I lost a lot during the fire. Some of the items also go with current outfits I have.  I am still snuffling and sneezing but determined to get on.  One thing I never seem to have enough of is time.  I constantly get dragged off onto other projects on the basis that their need is greater than the one I am actually dealing with at the time.  In all honesty I could not face the kitchen today although I have done all the washing up and drying up and sorted tea out.

It is a wet and humid day. The rain was gentle to start with but we can now hear the gentle pattering of rain against the windows.  We do so need the rain it will wash everything (and maybe I will get rid of this Migraine).  It is grey and dark not cold though so I just had to do something.  There has since been a massive Thunder storm.  I am not keen.  

I am taking my time with this project and have warned a certain person that this is what I am doing and that it is what it is he will just have to bear with.  I have this large project to deal with.  Once this is done I can then start sorting stuff back to where it belongs.  Some things will go probably to the Charity shop, some things may go online though to sell. This room is also being washed down as I go along so as usual a long and necessary process. I am tidying as I go though.  I have already had to chuck a new handbag out because the paint was coming off it.  A red handbag with white splotches all over it.  Fortunately it was only a cheapie.  

I have found a load of patchwork fabrics and, jelly rolls, backing fabrics, new spools of cotton as well as sewing patterns for dresses and separates.  I may drag the sewing machine out later when I am a bit more sorted and make myself some more outfits. I have some yardage which will be ideal for a couple of gypsy style tops with sleeves which will be a good simple re-introduction to making myself some clothes. I do have plenty of fabric.  No fear there, just the fear that there may not be enough to complete one item!  Will deal with that as we go along!  I suspect I still have a lot more patchwork fabric to locate. These were all situated on top of my double stacked chests of drawers.  So that has all been washed down, and then polished and re-arranged. I intend to do these drawers up with a new coat of paint and a transfer or two in the future.  That is the plan in any event. 

My big triple pine wardrobe has been washed down and also polished.  This is the first of two large wardrobes. I have a lot of clothes.  Everything has been stripped off the top in storage boxes and I have only kept what I want to keep. Now reduced to three boxes up there from five, however I am planning on popping a few things up there. I did find two boxes of handbags and my box with my feather Boas in (Do not ask)! The handbags have been taken out of the boxes they were in, and placed in a big poly tub which takes up less space.  It has also left me more room to put stuff on the top of the wardrobe.  I am going to need it.  I am hoping all this sorting out will free up a lot more space and tubs for storage.

I still have to work my way into what was the airing cupboard but is also a walk in wardrobe and access to the loft in the ceiling.  Strip that out of all unnecessary bits and bobs - repack what needs to go in and get some of the items temporarily in here in situ elsewhere. Although time consuming therefore, I am getting there.  It does not matter how long it takes, it needs sorting.  

I am not touching the contents of the wardrobe until I have more room.  That is more or less sorted but I do need the walk in wardrobe to put some of my shoes etc.

This evening I also found a couple of panels embroidered by my Nan.  I remember that Nan embroidered several cushion panels when I was younger.  Most of them were made up into said cushions.  My Mum had kept some of her bits and amongst those pieces are a panel that had been made into a cushion cover.  Unfortunately the linen it was backed with has perished and I intend to find some vintage linen amongst my stash and re-make it into a cushion cover.  I have also found a panel on which the embroidery has been finished but has never been made up.  It is just as she left it.  Needless to say that will also be made up into a cushion cover with some vintage linen as well.  Both the cushions are very different and complement each other, same colourings (autumn colourings).  Makes me feel Nan is still with me in a roundabout way.  I do have a big stash of cushion covers to make out of worked pieces.  I have the space now in the Craft room, but cannot locate the backing fabric I am after.  I also need to get hold of zips in due course.  I have some embossed green fabric which will be ideal for some of the needlepoint panels.  It will be good to get some of these sorted.

This is the panel which was made into a cushion and which back has perished.

This is the piece embroidered by Nan and just left.  She never made it up into everything.

I think both of these panels will look good together.

Today has been a steady one.  I am still not 100% but it is what it is.  I will do what I can where I can.  It keeps me going.

Day Two

We have had a poorly dog overnight.  Bless her she is right under the weather so not an early start. We were having breakfast at 5:30am. She is currently kipping on her Dad's lap.  She has already had snuggles with me.  Missy does not cope well with illness!  Sound familiar!  We love her to bits though and Mischief the cat.  Very spoiled the pair of them, but they are part of the family.  Kindness begins at home.

However back in there "fighting the good fight" and getting stuck in.  Today in the old airing cupboard where quite a few of my clothes are.  I am stripping this out, giving it a good wash down and I have managed to get the two stacking drawers out of there in readiness for going downstairs. I originally bought them for my crafting, however I now need them for storing a lot of my kitchen bits and bobs including icing stuff etc.  For now they are in the bedroom, but as soon as the dining room is sorted out they will be taking up residence in there with the other tower/stack.

I am also going to put a mirror in there, and also the laundry basket together with some of my footwear for easy access.  All out of the way, easily accessible and most of all tidy.  Regaining some kind of order. Have a couple of hanging pegs to pop up for hanging things off as well (hope the plaster holds up).  One never knows in this house.  Not decorating - far too much to do - will do a return trip on this once we are sorted.

I am very much sorting things as I go so it is Bedlam at the moment and it is going to take some time to get it straight but it will be worth it in the end.  Quite pleased with how have got on again.  Every little helps and I am attacking in tranches a bit at a time so I do not overdue it.

The walk-in wardrobe has now been sorted out and order has been restored.  Quite chuffed with how this has turned out.

As a result of that I have located quite a bit of fabric that had gone missing.  I pulled out a length of I think is a William Morris design fabric that I had started to make into a tablecloth/table cover quite some while back.  It is all tacked and ready to sew.  I have also found green gingham fabric all cut out and ready to stitch.  These are to be proving cloths for when I make bread.  You can either use them wet or dry.  They need stitching so yet more for the pile.

I have also found the fabric I bought yet again a good while back two lots of green upholstery fabric, one in a mint green and the other in a darker green.  This was bought specifically for making up some of my needlepoint pieces into cushion covers and I am pleased that I have found this.  Looks as though this coming weekend I could be doing a bit of sewing on the machine.  I have also located a larger green gingham material which was also bought for making a tablecloth.  I do have a large dining table. There is that to do as well.  I knew I had fabric, just not where it was.

All in all not a bad day and although progress is a little slower than I would like, it is all being cleaned and sorted as I go along.  Am going to be doing some more in a little while.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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