Operation Front Bedroom Sunday evening and Monday Day Seven

Against my better judgment I carried on again after tea on Sunday evening.  I have a lot to do all round.

In any event we had a lovely tea, homemade fat chips together with a big fried chicken breast each and bread and butter.  G had ketchup I had Sweet and Sour Chilli sauce.  Went down very nicely.

I had to pop the chips into the oven to keep them warm for a little while as the chicken breasts were particularly thick at one end.  I therefore cut them in half and re-fried until cooked.

To start with I went out into the garden but there is a post about that which I have Scheduled for Monday Morning. (I am typing the first part of this post late on Sunday evening). So I did get some variation for a little while.

So back to the bedroom for a little while.  I managed to manhandle my two stacks of polythene drawers down into the dining room.  I do not have any kitchen drawers in the kitchen or space to put any so I now have four stacks (two big ones when joined together) for all my hand kitchen equipment.  This particular stack was meant for my crafting, however I have decided that it will better serve me by storing kitchen equipment in them. 

Whilst in the bedroom I found a lot of my icing equipment, chocolate moulds, piping bags, cutters etc.  So some of this has gone into the new stack.  Before I do anything too much, I need to sort the original stack out and if I have any bits that I do not want then they can either go to my step-daughter or daughter-in-law to see if they would be able to make use of them. I have therefore decided to do a drawer a day until I have worked my way through everything. It will be good at long last to have like equipment with like equipment. Will make it easier for me to find stuff and use.  I have been looking for piping bags for ever and the nozzles and fortunately I have found both today.

I also found one of the missing knitting needles (extra large 15mm one for the jacket/cardigan located in the bedroom yesterday.  Still a needle missing.  Talk about looking for a needle in a haystack!

Am extremely tired especially after yesterday's early morning call.  Off for some shuteye now.


Now that I am wrecking the rest of the house, first of all I need to sort the kitchen out as I have taken some more items down which need cleaning and then popping away safely.  A lot of the items are vintage glass which I do not want to break.

This morning started with me waking up early again 5:30am this morning.  Needless to say I dropped off and I was up again by 8:15am.  So up I got and went down and started on the kitchen.  Managed to get all the washing up and drying up done.

Then set about the top of the cooker (the Hob) and cleaned that within an inch of its life, then the small cooker (which tends to get the heaviest use) was also stripped out and cleaned.  Toasting tray was also re-lined with foil.  I do have the inner glass to do but that will get sorted later.  Also have the bottom oven to do.

Now to sort out the stuff that didn't make it back into the cupboard and check that the cupboards are tidy, clean and accessible too.  Looks as though am going to be in the kitchen for today.  G offered to cook me a curry for tea for a change on Monday night.  I nearly fainted with shock!  Mind you he does make a very mean Lasagna. His curry was lovely too. Therefore everything needs to be accessible for him to get at.  Trouble is he always leaves the washing up!

Unfortunately I did not get back into the bedroom at all on Monday.  I went into the kitchen instead.  Nor did I manage to get back into the garden.  May happen on Tuesday after being in the kitchen again.  Will have to wait and see what happens.  Things are coming along pretty nicely though.  Hard work but it is lovely when everything is spotless again.  Still a lot to do tomorrow. Lets see where it takes us.

Catch you soon.




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