Still in the Kitchen

However not very far off and then will be able to get in the bathroom. Kitchen been well scrubbed out and stuff has gone back into cupboards surprisingly well. Fingers crossed can squeeze some more stuff in as well.

Not too bad a day weather wise and I have been able to get the pet linen into the washing machine towels always get boiled and then out onto the line; therefore that is a very good job achieved.  Tea towels will be next, they get boiled too.  I only use a tea towel once and then they are decanted into a bucket ready for the next wash.  Dishcloths the same.  Am a bit faddy and bathroom towels the same.  

Whilst I was out in the garden I realised just how much the weeds have grown I really must therefore get back into the routine of doing some gardening each evening and be able to enjoy the peace and quiet and simply just be. We all need alone time and some time to just be with your own thoughts and the methodical task of setting seeds or pulling weeds.  All helps to keep me calm.

I have the net curtains and windows to clean.  However will do this later on when it is darker and I can take the nets down without being peered at by the next door neighbour.  His kitchen window is directly opposite mine.  He has also been known to poke his head over the fence to see what we have been up to when we have been outside working.  He doesn't realise that I have spotted him a couple of times.  It is like being on parade with a Sergeant Major!  He means no harm overall but it can be a tad irritating! I just do not think I am good with people as I do not suffer fools gladly!

Last thing to be done will be to scrub the floors down but that will be later on as well probably before I come upstairs so that it stays clean.

In-between times I have scrubbed out the loo or little room as well so slowly making progress at long last.  

G can then tomorrow morning get the old tumbler out. As we have a very tight narrow kitchen the washing machine and the dishwasher will need to be disconnected and the dishwasher will need to go onto the draining board in order that the old tumbler can be got out.  

I may try and go out in the front garden a bit later, but if not will get to it sometime tomorrow.

Tomorrow I can then set about sorting out the main part of the bathroom. There is a lot of stuff to sort out.  Once it is tidied and scrubbed out G may well then be able to get in with the paintbrush and get this painted out at long last. It will be very nice to have some rooms totally done and sorted.  I might then be able to get my small table from the unit in order that my "Treasure Chest" can go in there

G also has some minor repairs to do to some of the kitchen doors hinges need adjusting and also put new handles on as well.

The Dining room as it is the through room is very much in disarray at the moment which it is likely to be until I get the bedroom done and dusted.  There is a massive pile of ironing to sort, but once the kitchen is completed will then be able to do a bit a day and then get clothes that are keeping back into wardrobes, walk-in wardrobe/cupboard and drawers.  Hopefully will be back to the bedroom over the weekend as well.  I am still continuing to do the odd thing or two in there like putting stuff away as I find it.

Once the bedroom is completed it is then on to the front room/Lounge.

Had planned to do some sewing tonight but that will not happen might try for Sunday afternoon and evening and take a little time off.  My back has been very uncomfortable the past few days, but I am slowly keeping at things where I can (apart from yesterday when I played "hookey"

G is having the rest of the "Chinese chicken" we had yesterday and I am going to have some Beans on toast.  My choice I am quite happy with simpler food.  Maybe I will get back to cooking properly early next week.  Will see how it goes.

I therefore wish everyone a very happy Bank holiday weekend.  Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. It's Memorial Day weekend here. Why do you boil towels? Just curious. We've had lots of rain so the flower beds are full of weeds and the lawn needs mowing, but it's too wet. You certainly have been a a roll with your cleaning and organizing. After reading this I think I'll start sorting my closet. It could use a go-through. Good luck getting the dryer out.

    1. Hi Sandra, we have old towels that we use regularly for both the cat and dog. Anything animal related gets boiled to make sure no nasties for them or us. Also our bathroom is a little damp so I tend to boil the cotton towels as well just to be on the safe side. Something have always done. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Dryer out tomorrow - it is now cleared down so that he can get it out xx Take care Tricia xx


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