Taking things Easy

 Well for today in any event.  I have not been firing on all cylinders again so have listened to my body and taken things easy.  A little pottering here and there but otherwise not too much.

Breakfast was Pain au Chocolat with cream cheese and Blackberry jam.  That went down very nicely. G had a fry.

Another enjoyable salad again for tea this evening and that was tea settled followed down by a Strawberry milkshake.

Temperatures are predicted to be high over the next few days, so more washing to be done and out on the line to get it all dry and sorted.  It is just lovely to have some nicer weather.  Would rather be down at the caravan, but there we are.

Hoping to get out into the garden a little bit as well.

Some work done in the kitchen but am hoping to tackle the bulk of that tomorrow; it will however be what it is if I manage to get it all done all well and good.  Otherwise it will just take that little bit longer.  A case of how long is a piece of string!

Just a little notice, I may go missing off the Blog for three or four days next week as I have a long outstanding job to try and start to tackle or attempt to tackle so we shall see how that goes as well. So please do not worry if I do go missing.  I will pop in where I can.

Right off to have an early night tonight; a bit shattered.  Disturbed sleep last night left me feeling a bit off-piste this morning and I am going to need a bit of energy over the coming days as I do have an awful lot to do.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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