Today's achievements - not many

What temperamental weather.  Lots of rain again but as the day has wore on the weather has got better and the Sun is now out.

In reality after a few very successful days not many achievements for me as I am patiently waiting on G completing what he needs to do in the kitchen before I continue on.  Also because he has not been with the dog and the cat we have had histrionics from our old lady who when she gets upset tends to hyperventilate so we do try and nip out without her realising.  I have ended up sitting with her not being able to get on with anything whilst G has dealt with his latest tranche of painting. She has been doing a lot of singing to the Sun and the Moon!

The update at the moment in-between waiting for the proverbial paint to dry is that he has started to paint the ceiling, and stripped the light down and got that tidied up.  It looks a completely different room already, but it will need another coat of paint as it is a little patchy at the moment.  Trouble is when painting has not happened for a while, and being old plaster the walls tend to leach the paint up when you do put anything on them. So feasibly it could be tomorrow before I am able to start re-filling the kitchen with relevant kitchen items.

In reality because everything is stacked in different rooms and also in the bathroom I have not been able to get on with anything at all.  I do have a project for this evening though in that I have a linen basket which will do as a holder for my upholstery and main sewing fabric.  I am going to need some of this soon in any event for sorting out the blind in the kitchen and also making a valance for the curtains.  The basket is currently in the walk-in cupboard and is empty and so I intend to transfer the fabric there for the time being.  It will be easily accessible here for me to drag out when I need to but safely and cleanly stashed away which is half the battle.

I also have a beautiful free-standing jewellery chest on legs which is hand painted with flowers. It has doors either side for necklaces to hang from and also a lift up lid with a mirror and a compartment for rings etc.  There are then about 7 to 8 drawers down the front for storing bits and bobs in and then a further deeper drawer down the bottom. That is near the window in the bedroom however I feel that it would be better placed in the walk-in for the time being.  I also have some pretty brackets to put up in there at some point to put belts on and I also want to put some hooks up for popping hats on. I have a couple of lovely straw ones bought on our last trip down to Cornwall which are very simple but you can jazz them up a bit with a floral tie or indeed a long and wispy scarf.  I am looking forward to adding to my little collection

We did manage to nip out to Waitrose to pick up some sausages and a chicken earlier on without Missy being aware.  She was however wide awake and very agitated and vocal when we did put in an appearance.  Not allowed "Hoomans" wandering off where they want to when they want - especially without her!

I had a yearning for a sausage and fried onion sarnie or two for my tea tonight (with some ketchup on).  It went down very nicely "just what the Doctor ordered" as the saying goes!  We had fruit and cream for afters. So now full. Tomorrow I intend to do a roast chicken with veggies for tea. Should be enough for a couple of days running.

As the weather has been wet still no foray into the garden but that will happen.  Have still a load of Holly leaves to deal with.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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