Wet Day

The weather today I refer to as "caravan weather" as it nearly always happened when we were in the caravan on holiday when I was a child and we would end up playing "bored games" and listening to the radio in the warmth of the van.  A slightly chilly day today though, slightly humid cannot make its mind up but the one thing we do have is the persistent tap of rain as it falls. So no garden today and I have been housebound. I overslept this morning quite heavily and so I have not achieved any of what I had planned.

I have pottered in the bedroom a little bit but nothing substantial so a very quiet really recuperative day here today. It is what it is, just have to get past it and move ever onwards.  Tomorrow is another day.

Hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to get to the sewing machine.  I intend downing tools on Friday at some point and just sitting and playing.  Will drive G up the wall, but so be it a girl needs her playtime and in reality I have so much that I want to get made and out of the way with. However I am trying to walk before I run for a change starting with simpler projects first to get me back into using the sewing machine again.

To tell the truth I am feeling a bit restless at the moment.  Not quite sure why, but that is how I am feeling.  Feels as though the rug is being pulled out under my feet - irrational as no apparent reason for this.  Probably just change in the wind generally.

No rain forecast for tomorrow at the moment although it is supposed to be a cloudy day here.  Hopefully it will be a bit warmer day though.  So if it is dry and warmer I will go into the front garden again and get the rest of the Holly bagged up at the very least.

I hate being cooped up!

Hope everyone has a chilled evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. You are such a hard worker,--maybe a nice rest on a rain day.


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