Monday Night/Tuesday

Monday Evening

I did a little more ironing after tea, and then started on trying to get what I ironed into the relevant storage.  So far so good, but I am going to have to shift things about a little bit to fine tune things a little bit more.  I tend to colour co-ordinate my clothes so that they are easier to grab and go especially if in a hurry.  However, some colours need a little more space as I tend to gravitate towards those colours naturally, i.e. pale pinks, blues, white, Turquoise.  Have a few items in these colours.  I just love colour generally though.  I still do need to get my jewellery chest into the walk-in wardrobe but I cannot get to it directly so will slot that in there when I can.

It was still reasonably light at 10:00pm when I went to see if the line full of washing I had left out was dry which it was not.  As some rain is threatened tomorrow I made the choice to bring it in and will try and get it out again and dodge any rain in the morning.  I also had some other washing and I have popped this on coat hangers to try and start to get it dry.  Equally I will get this out if the weather is reasonable.

I would say all told that I am about half way through the washing overall but still a long way to go.  However am getting there.


Generally a busy, but quiet day.  Weather forecast was spot on.  In the circumstances, I decided not to put the washing out.  That which I have drying in-house is nearly dry.  I intend to do a little ironing a bit later on.  However, Wednesday's forecast looks a lot better and so will be back to the washing and ironing regime tomorrow in order to get a little more funnelled along.

I have some sorting to do in the doorway to the bedroom and I intend to do this first thing.  That should make it easier to get in and get to the wardrobes.  As with everything else am having to work in tranches at whatever I am doing.  It is slow going, as I have so much sorting out to do, but each little bit done is a success and another inch forward.

Whilst I am in the front bedroom, I have also been searching for coat hangers.  I am sure that I have many more than I have been able to find.  It is just a matter of locating them.  I will need these for tonight/tomorrow in any event.

Tea tonight is a piece of Haddock each which will be cooked in butter and then served simply with bread and butter.  My appetite is still off a little bit and I do not fancy too much to eat at present.  G can always have something else on top of this.  Maybe a bit of supper later if he fancies something to eat.

I am waiting for a nice day in any event in order that I can start gathering some fresh Bay leaves and dry them for the winter larder.  There is so much I want to be doing cooking and preserving in the kitchen at the moment, but because I have prioritised the sorting out of the house, only a little will get done this time round I fear.  Fingers crossed though that I can do more than I think I will be able to achieve. It all helps.

It is an early post this late afternoon/evening, as I have so much to do, that I want to get on with.  

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Keep safe, keep warm.

Catch you soon.




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