Saturday Evening and Sunday Potterings

Saturday night:

After cooking the Sausage rolls for our tea, I set too and did the washing up and then did three further washes in readiness for hanging out to dry on Sunday morning. I also put a boil wash on for the tea towels before going up the wooden stairs to Bedfordshire.  Weather forecast is predicting temperatures possibly up to 22 degrees with bright Sunshine, so it would appear to be proper drying weather.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited it works out like this as it would be good to get a wriggle on.

I am planning on doing some ironing on Sunday as well and if I get all the clothes I washed on Saturday evening ironed as well that will be a super bonus, as there are a lot of my nicer items in that batch, pretty blouses, jumpers, T shirts, Shirts etc.  I also have a particularly nice T shirt that I found with quite a bad stain on it and therefore I have put this into soak overnight with some of the Oxygen powder to see if it will shift it. Fingers crossed yet again.  Then once aired into their storage.


Glorious weather to wake up to, just as the Weather Forecaster predicted.  Bet it is nice at the Coast today.  Bright sunshine, it is warm and I have so far managed to accomplish three washes this morning already (now up to seven washes - later in the day).  And two loads are completely dry.

Also cooked G breakfast. Hopefully that will keep him happy.  I am in the habit every so often, depending what veg I have available in the fridge to cook up a bit of veggies with the fry.  Helps cut the fat and gives more flavour.  I tend to go for flavour more than anything else with my cooking.  I tend to use left-over peppers, courgettes, fried onion, cherry tomatoes, whole tomatoes etc.  G certainly seems to eat it.

I on the other hand had two Pain au Chocolat, which have a little butter spread on them, then a little cream cheese, and then some home made jam.  Recently I have been having Blackberry jam on them and it really does go well.  I usually vary things up a bit, Pain au Chocolat, Pain au Lait, Croissant.   All I do is warm the bread part up in the oven and then layer up as I take a bit with the butter, cheese and then the jam.

Fruit jam is also lovely on a proper homemade fruit bread/Tea Loaf and of course Scones with a dollop of whipped cream on the top or Clotted Cream. It is also lovely in cakes and also in puddings like Semolina and Rice pudding.

A reasonably quiet day here today though overall just a nice steady pace.  Working away, getting stuff done whilst appreciating the lovely warm weather.  Weather forecast for tomorrow is 18 degrees but cloudy and maybe the odd shower but low percentage so feasibly it will be another good drying day tomorrow.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Needless to say we are not having a cooked meal this evening.  Will finish off the last of the sausage rolls (three left someone had five I had two), and then a Ham sandwich and some fruit and cream for afters.  That should do nicely.  I was not too well during the night, and so food intake I want to be reasonably light today.  It is all about balance in the greater scheme of things.  I need to get some salad leaves during the week as I quite enjoy these in a sarnie with some Salad cream too.

This evening I will be ironing for a little while, too warm to do so at the moment and I will get a little done.  If I can get what I have washed and dried ironed today that will be a real result.  So far the drying has been going really well too. Perfect drying weather.  As I had so many washes in hand, I have ended up doing a boil wash in effect so that I can play catch up a bit.  It will be a job well done when I get to the end of it.

Just started the big pile of ironing.  There are still a couple of bags to go out, and I have extra ironing now.  So better get a wriggle on.

Have a lovely evening everyone.  Think of me with the ironing on my Todd in the kitchen listening to the radio.

Catch you soon.




  1. Ever busy! I reorganized a closet yesterday and have spent part of today dealing with the mess that made. I think you may have even more clothes than I have.

    1. Hi Sandra, just finished three hours of ironing, most of which I created today. Still a heck of a pile to deal with. Think it will be the end of the week of about three hours a day before will be completed. Then at least have had a really good clear out. Am also sorting out stuff that I do not want as I go along. That will go to the Charity shop around the corner. In effect, because I was a Legal Secretary for 35+ years, I had professional smart outfits and then a home outfits both casual, smart and going out dressing up that sort of thing. I have too many nice clothes and I have looked after them which I will wear. When I was a size 26, a few years ago I still had all the clothes from then, but they were distributed about 18 months ago because they were too big by about 8 sizes, so have been doing some rootling out. Still a long way to go though. That's the trouble though when you sort out something there is always ancillary mess. Take care Tricia x

  2. You have certainly had a busy day! I just have a small amount of ironing to finish off tonight and I may try and get a couple of small odds & end loads of laundry done tomorrow. I need to get my parka washed, my winter housecoat and my shower curtain also need to be done so that is the plan. However, none of these are urgent so we will see how the day shapes up.

    Like your hubby I enjoy some cooked veg with my savoury breakfast - and a mix of onions, peppers and mushrooms are a particular favourite. I try to mix up my breakfasts but do try to get a fair amount of protein included. Just picked up some more yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir on my way home after church so lots of options - along with cheese, bacon, sausage and a slice of HM quiche to vary things up. Have a good evening.

    1. Hi Margie, it is never ending. I have a load of household items bedding, sheets, duvets, duvet covers, towels all sorts of things. They are being left until the clothes washing and sorting has been accomplished. Then I will get them out of the way and packed away. G likes his breakfasts tooxx Take care Tricia xx


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