Stormy and Nice

It was a nippy night last night to start with and then I warmed up a bit as the temperature rose a bit. I also  had a rough night's sleep last night and was awake at Dawn again this morning where I promptly nodded off.  I ended up oversleeping again as a result and I was not firing on all pistons as a result.  I have therefore taken another day off.

The weather has been stormy, and I have been "headachy" again.  We have had another thunderstorm and gentle rain.

However in-between showers we managed to get out for a walk to give Missy a change of scenery and a chance for a sniff around.  It was a little chilly for her to have a paddle today and after all she is an old lady and therefore comfort is key.  We went for a walk down by the river in a village called Castor which is about two to three miles up the road from us.  It was good to get out and breathe.  Good to get out and be in nature.  The English countryside is particularly beautiful at this time of year and all the wildflowers in the hedgerows look stunning.

Missy seemed to enjoy herself in any event which was the object of the exercise Bless her.  She has done nothing but sleep since we came back.

We then had a cup of tea when we came back and dipped into the biscuit tin as well.  Sometimes it is necessary.

Tea tonight was fried chicken breasts and homemade chunky chips done in a traditional deep fat fryer and then served with bread and butter and for me some sweet chilli sauce.  Food when it is just cooked simply is often the tastiest and the best.  

We have chicken again tomorrow as well, this time served with "Roasties", Yorkshire pudding and veggies and gravy.

Wouldn't you know it, the Sun is now out to play.  Wind is a bit breezy still.  Weather forecast predicts rain showers but low percentage for this area with a breeze and sunshine for Sunday.  So will see how things pan out.

Will see what tomorrow brings.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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