Sunday Evening and Monday

Sunday Evening

Sunday evening, after tea, I set about the ironing and managed to get quite a few tops pressed and ironed.  I spent 3 hours doing this and only got a small amount of work achieved considering the big heap of ironing I have to tackle.  However, I have left the items to air on coat hangers overnight. I think the ironing is going to take the best part of the week.  I shall put in a concerted effort tomorrow.  However I am pleased with what I managed to do and it is another piece of the jigsaw completed.

More washes were also put on and I now have a fresh pile for hanging out tomorrow.  I have left washing on the line so that it dries.  Light cloud and gentle breeze forecast. Temperature 19 degrees.  So it will be another early start for tomorrow morning.  A lot of work to do as usual.  Am planning a concerted effort all week.  I will be working between rooms throughout the week.

My back is now killing me and I am going to have a couple of paracetamol and give myself a massage before going to bed.  Fortunately I have a Memory foam mattress.


I plan on starting the day by putting away the ironing completed last night.  As mentioned above, I have left what I ironed on coat hangers to air overnight.  Something I nearly always do.

I will then sort what I can into relevant storage.

I have found a few vintage head scarves in the wash.  Whilst ironing one of them it seemed familiar but I could not put my finger on it.  It came from my Mum's home, but I believe on closer inspection I am pretty sure that it belonged to my Nan which was a nice find.  It is not in perfect condition because it is well over 50 years old, however I will use it at some point as I love the colours.  I like scarves.

The washer will then be put on again, and then I will set about some more ironing.

Then I will bring in any dried washing and add it to the pile, and then go and hang out a load more.

I managed to get rid of quite a few bags out of the bathroom but there are quite a lot more to go.  Hopefully will get a load more out.

I am concentrating on clothes to start with though to start with.  Then I will set about household linen and get that sorted.  I have already put a few items aside to go to the Charity shop.  No doubt there will be more to go as we go along.

I have been ironing for about 4 hours off and on today as well as dealing with the washing. My back is hurting a bit think I might have to put some of my spray on it this evening.  Everything ironed so far is now hanging upstairs and I am shortly going into the bedroom to put those clothes away.  Afraid it is going to be like this until I can get everything all sorted.  As I say I think it is going to take the best part of the week.  I am pretty pleased with how it is going and what clothes I have been finding as well.

On checking the weather forecast for tomorrow at present it is forecasting showers on and off throughout the day.  Not a day for washing then and I may be able to get caught up a bit on the ironing I do have to do.  Weather not looking too bad for Wednesday so may start the washing again then.  I shall be glad when everything is done and I have everything back under control again.

I have been off my food a bit for the past couple of days and did not want very much to eat at all tonight.  G went to get petrol for the car and came back with some Large Black Tiger Prawns, five each.  They worked out at £5 per bag of five, and he came back with two bags.  Although I absolutely love sea food and prawns, I have never actually cooked large Prawns like this before.  I believe in simple methods of cooking to show food off to its best and in the end chose to fry the prawns in a little Olive oil and Butter.  

Absolutely delicious and we will certainly be having these again.  I served mine with some sweet and sour sweet Chilli sauce and it was scrumptious.  

Followed by a Strawberry and Cream Patisserie Tart which was also delicious.  Nice amount of food that has not overloaded me.

Tomorrow we have some Haddock for tea, to be cooked simply yet again, just fried in some Butter, and then served with some Bread and Butter I think, unless G wants some chips.

Right am off to potter and get these clothes put away.

Have a lovely evening everyone, wherever you are.

Catch up soon.




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