Working in the Back Bedroom

 Before I can continue with the front bedroom I have had to do some tidying up in the back bedroom in order to get things put away so that I can find them and so that I can get more items stashed sensibly into the room. I am currently working along one wall of the bedroom which as you are coming into the bedroom from the stairs is the left-hand side wall.  Inside the doorway holds all my UFOs on top but underneath there are containers holding a variety of items.  There is still a fireside pillar in this bedroom and in the alcove near the window we have bookshelves on which are stored a lot of my part-works collected over many years.  Underneath the bookshelves (they do not go all the way down the wall there is the room to stack boxes and cases etc.  There are boxes currently in situ here, but I am starting to take these out to see what is in there and to see if anything can be liberated before sorting out the storage that will go under there.  Piecemeal work, but it is a start of getting back into things after a few days off.  However it is back into the fray this week. However must get base layers right before building on them.

Yesterday for instance I found a bag of Christmas cushions hidden in the back bedroom, but which for the time being have been popped into the front bedroom.  They will actually go into the front bedroom on top of the wardrobe, with other Christmas decorations. However, I also found a couple of musical biscuit Christmas tins and other wooden Christmas decorations.  So as I sort I am gradually pulling like things together.  A slow process.  In any event, the sorting out of this particular wall will help a lot.  I will then start down the window side wall to see what I can achieve here.  This is partially in progress now.

Tea tonight was making something out of what we had available.  We had fried chicken breasts cooked in oil and butter so that they would not burn and Herbes de Provence one of my favourite herb mixtures.  I also cooked up Courgette and onion and then when done popped them into a side dish. I then added stock and water and flavourings as well as the veg water to the pan to make the gravy with the chicken soaking in the gravy.  Helps it keep its moistness.  In the Ninja I roasted potatoes and onion.  In the steamer I cooked potatoes for mashed potato, broccoli, carrot, peas and shredded buttered steamed cabbage.  I tend to steam most of my veggies as they retain far more of their flavour and any juices can be used in the gravy which they were.  Very tasty it was too.

Lots of pottering going on but nothing substantial achieved, however it all builds and adds up. At least the weather forecast is a bit more promising on the drying front.  I have added a few more bits to the washing pile.  Ah well at least everything is going to be cleaned and sorted at the end of the day.

Am planning on making some banana bread tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening, the Sun is still out here.

Catch you soon.




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