A Little Update

 After our lovely tea last night which really was filling and refreshing in equal turn.  Instead of being on the computer I went off to finish off some of the things I had started earlier on.  I still had bed linen drying on the line and after checking it was lovely and dry and so that has been bought in to add to the ironing pile.  There will be more to do tomorrow.

Then I dragged one of my flower presses out in order to have a go at pressing some of the things I collected this afternoon.  I have about six or seven presses - not massive ones but ideal for smaller items.  This one is one of the bigger ones and is quite attractive to look at.

It has been a while since I have done any so fingers crossed will be able to get back into the swing of things.  I had two things to deal with on the pressing front. Some flower heads which I think are a type of Mallow and also some pretty leaves yet again from another "weed" garden invader

Then I decided to tackle the Black Peppermint and get that strung along the top of the Dresser.  This is the first batch for 2024.  There is quite a bit there, but I need so much more as I rely heavily on this natural tea/Tisane as it helps with any digestive issues which I occasionally get.  I also want to make some Peppermint syrup/cordial as well.

The first of the Bay Leaves for drying on a tray on the top of the Dresser.  I need so many more of these as well.  I have now found the Loppers so it may well be that the Bay Tree will get a trim tomorrow.

These are very much used and I have a large jar for them which is currently empty of dried leaves as I ran out of them last year.  I use them all the time for flavouring in gravies, stews, soups, casseroles etc.  As I do not want to run out of them this year I intend to put away as many as I possibly can.  This hotter weather is ideal for getting them dry naturally.  I would quite like to start off another couple of Bay Tree plants as well.  I used to have a couple of Standards unfortunately the really cold weather got to them one year and I lost both of them.  I really love the twisted stem ones as I think they look glorious.

If I wake early in the morning I may just get dressed and slip into the garden and do some more and get the best of the morning to myself.  It will also be an ideal time to give some of the plants a little water as well.

Despite me taking an indirect step backwards, I seem to be doing more than I was which for me is a win-win.  Will see how it goes on the posts if am up to it will carry on as have been.

Now let us see what today will bring.

Catch you soon.




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