Hedgerow Musings

Today I found joy in the Hedgerow.  We have not been able to take Missy for her usual walk for quite sometime because of roads being cut off, lots of traffic and not able to access where we walk.  Today though most of those issues were cleared and we were able to take her for a short constitutional.  

Whenever I go to the Beach I end up foraging for shells and little bits of sea glass.  Equally when I am near Hedgerows I go looking to see what I can find and I usually end up foraging little bits here and there where I can.  Because it had been so long since I was here I started checking out what was in the bushes, started checking out what was to come, looking at wildflowers, leaves, cones etc. 

The Hedgerow gives me a freedom to roam and just simply be, collecting little special bits that can come out in the kitchen later on in the year as either a main ingredient (in the case of bottled Blackberries in syrup or Crab Apple jelly to serve with a lovely roast piece of Pork with lots of crackling).  Simple pleasures but pleasure enough and it encompasses gratefulness for finding such bounty.  

I love Hedge-picking (I think I must have been a Hedge-Witch in a previous life, as I love doing things with Herbs and wild edibles.  I have a book that I am looking for without much success, but no doubt I will find it in due course.  It is relevant for the months to come and is a cracker.  Just need to lay my mitts on this.

Today in the Hedgerow, I have come across a few early Blackberries and they were sweet.  I have a suspicion that we are in for an early autumn again this year, having thus far not really had a Summer; however we will see how things pan out. I will now be watching the bushes like a hawk to choose the optimum time for picking.  There would appear to be a lot of green Blackberries forming.  I also found some small cones which I will go back to gather as they are ideal for trimming Christmas presents, and being incorporated into Christmas decorations.  Yes I dare to utter that word here.  Christmas takes a lot of preparation in my household, and now with the restraints on people's incomes and the cost of food for me at least and the rent having gone up another £50 a month at the moment (went up last year as well) the preserving has had to take a back seat for the time being although I am hoping to put some of that right as I go along.  

However hitting the Hedgerow and putting up some things is better than nothing at all.  I am looking forward to Crab Apples later on as they can be used as a base for quite a few things as well as making Crab Apple jelly they can be used with other fruits, hips and haws and Herb jellies.  Herb jellies are really useful when it comes to gravies, stews, soups, casseroles.  Giving extra flavour.

It was nice just to get out for a little while and just wander and re-charge.  Missy did well and we let her take things at her own pace.  She cannot go far these days unfortunately but she does love to get out and about, have a different focus and interest and a good sniff around. Simple pleasures for her too.

So being ever the optimist I am going to keep my eyes open to see what I can find to do in the Wild Larder so that at least I get a little bit done.  Will take my basket another time to collect some of the cones in particular.  I also want to pick some leaves and get them pressed also for making cards or labels or indeed decorating household items.  There is so much richness to be had by learning new things and making the most of what is near to you and which does not cost an arm and a leg to be involved with.

One thing I do need to do though is stock up on some sugar.  Am nearly out which is unusual for me.

Catch up again soon.




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