It must be Summer

Today whilst walking Missy down by the river, we heard our first Cuckoo of this year.  Walking through water meadows and little lanes down to Castor Backwater, not far from the mill, we could hear it calling. To me, a sign that Summer is with us going back to my childhood.

Sadly the weather has been a lot cooler today, and as I am typing this the window has been closed and I have a jumper on and it has been a bit brghhh!  Rain is currently forecast for the next couple of days.

Today has been another inactive day as my joints have been protesting too much although my hip is better than it was.  Although I am not as tired as yesterday, still not 100%. The past couple of nights I have slept well and more or less straight through which is a novelty.  Hopefully will be back into the fray tomorrow with trying to re-assert order.

Sorry it is short and sweet. Will try and make up a bit tomorrow.

Catch you soon.




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