Today for me

 has been a mindful day.  I woke at 5:00am and then actually got up about 9:30am as I crashed out again.  Since the wedding last week where I tired myself out, I have been sleeping a lot better than normal.  I felt brighter this morning than I have done in a long while as well.

Lost in my own little world in the kitchen with my own thoughts and on my own has been calming and I think healing. It is not often I get any space to myself these days.  I have always been a person that needs their own space to re-charge and I find it therapeutic and calming.  A time in which to tame my thoughts and bring some cohesion to them.  I have started the washing and drying up and putting items away.  Trying to get tidy again, although in all probability it will be finished by Sunday evening in time for the new week.  

I have been in the Pantry and tidied that up a little bit as well, having a sort out and making sure that everything is accessed easily.  I really need to go shopping again, but that may have to wait for a bulk shop at some point.  Have to make the best of what you have.

The washing machine has already done a couple of boil washes (pet linen), and I have further washing to do in respect of them before I go on to clothing and then household items. That has been hung out to dry.  The Mischief's bed and blanket has also been added.  If the weather is fine tomorrow Missy's bed will be washed and her blankets as well.  This house gets cold even with heating and so I make sure that both have access to blankets for them to keep warm.  Missy in particular needs this because of her arthritis.  Mischief tends to cuddle up to me in any event

I also need to get stuck back into the back bedroom again and that may well take priority first thing tomorrow.

The other evening I set about pulling down a blanket that I had started many years ago.  I can no longer get the wool and it came up a bit bigger than I had anticipated and in the greater scheme of things although I had worked a fair bit I felt it prudent to pull it down.  I sat for about four hours pulling it down and I ended up with about 14 x 100g balls of wool.  It is cream coloured and will not go to waste as I have another project where it can if necessary be used up.  Alternatively I may start something else with it later on.  

This evening I intend to start going through my sewing notions boxes and try and sort them out a bit better than they are at the moment.  It needs doing as I want to set too with my crafting again quite seriously, so if it is organised and like items are together it should make it a lot easier for me to set too and create and craft to my heart's content.  I am going to be keeping all items of this kind together in any event.

One of the reasons for going back into the back bedroom tomorrow is to access the wardrobe which is full of fabric as that needs sorting out.  I also have further fabric which I would like to get in that storage if I can not only to tidy things up but also for ease of access.  I have quite a few boxes to go through before that will happen though but every bit that is done means less to do further down the line.

As we have had the privilege of having two large cooked meals for the past few days tonight's tea is going to be Pork and Apple sarnies to use up the last of the Pork with some fruit and cream to follow.  I am not that hungry in any event and that should do me nicely.  G can always have something else on top if he is still hungry.

I am hoping to get out into the garden again for early evening sessions to try and get back on top of things again.  The herb border has the grape vine in and there seems to be quite a lot of grape bunches on there.  Fingers crossed they will come to something.

If I manage to get up a bit earlier tomorrow and if the weather is fine I may well go into the garden first thing and do a bit of pottering just for a little while as well.  Will see how things go.  I want to collect some of the Bay leaves off the Bay tree for drying as unusually I ran out of them last year and had to buy some which is not usually on my Radar at all!   I also need to start collecting and drying the mint for my mint tea!

I also want to get some veggies put up for the Pantry shelf; that will happen probably sooner rather than later as I shall bulk buy one particular vegetable at a time to make sure I have a healthy stock.  I predominantly want to do this for the winter months to ensure a supply of food.  Need to get some more lids though first.  So much to do and priorities are always changing.

Well I hope everyone has a lovely evening, and weekend.  I shall be sorting my needlework supplies for tonight (after 7:00pm as I am in the garden for a little while first).  That is the task that I have set myself for tonight.

Catch you soon.




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