
 Was a quiet day here in Pattypan's household. Mostly spent on dealing with paperwork issue that was doing my head in by the time I had finished.  There was a lot to take in and really knowing or understanding what was going on was a bit unclear to start with, but got there in the end and  I now  have a better picture of what is involved but I am still thinking over my options and what to do for the best overall.  I was therefore a little worn out and not in the best position to write a post yesterday.  Such is real life.

To relax though afterwards, I then went a cooked a huge roast dinner for meals for the next couple of days.  It was quite tasty.  I cooked roast pork with lots of gorgeous crackling.  I then served this with roast onion, roast potatoes, roast courgette, some Grasmere Farm Chipolata sausages, mashed creamy buttery potato, steamed shredded buttered cabbage, carrots, petit-pois, and finally some stem broccoli.  Lots of gravy and of course the crackling.  Must say it went down very nicely indeed.  Best part is tea apart from warming through is ready for tonight.  There is also some pork leftover for sarnies.

I then spent sometime playing catchup on my computer, watching some You Tube videos (In reality I often do not watch much TV these days but items on You Tube that interest me).

I am hoping to get to a book later in the week.  I have a stack of books for reading which I have not yet got to.  Indeed, it has been quite some while since I downed tools and read.

One of the favourite occupations when I was growing up was reading.  Mum and Dad would get stocked up with a couple of new to us books and so would I.  I am very much a compulsive reader and could often read a book in a day.  Not much else would get done, but I would read. Reading has always been my main hobby and love. My first husband and G both hated/hate when I read as I really become anti-social more interested in the intricacies of the plot I am reading and trying to work out what is happening as well as reading onwards with the book.  In other words my attention was taken away from them.  I suppose in that respect I should come with a warning, as I really do love my reading.  I am not a person who needs to talk a lot, or be with people a lot, often preferring silence or a companionable silence.

I think I am like this as a result of past experiences and learning that really there is only one person to rely on, that being yourself at the end of the day.  I am also cussed and too independent.  I always see options and different ways around things.  However that is me a bit like Marmite you either love me or hate me!

The weather today is windy, but thus far has been bright.  We still have the windows open to let in this fresh air.  Something we tend to do in the warmer months of the year to let the outside in.

Right am off to potter.  Hopefully will achieve another post later on.

Catch you soon.




  1. A book and I can never be parted if I find it interesting. I am currently trying to make a teddy bear from an expensive pattern with dreadful instructions! Catriona

    1. Great minds think alike Catriona. Hope you manage to sort out your Teddy pattern. I hate it when instructions are "as clear as mud"! Hope you get it made up soon. Take care Tricia x


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