Busy, Busy, Busy

 Today has been a long day for me. I was awake at 6:00am and browsed my phone for a while as I could not get back to sleep.  In the end I got up, just after 7:00am and left G and the animals to it.

I commenced operations today in the kitchen starting to wade my way through a big pile of washing.  Have been quite successful in slowly getting this cleared and getting it dried outside. So that is proceeding well at the moment.

It has not been too bad a day here today, a little breezy and at times quite warm, although when I woke up it was a little chillier than it has been.

When G woke up I cooked him a full English for his breakfast followed by a mug of tea.  I could not fancy anything this morning.  Although a little later on I did have some chocolate spread sarnies.

I needed sugar as I had run out of it and I have a load of preserving to do.  I have quite a bit of fruit to process and so intend to get stuck into this tomorrow.  I have jams and fruits in syrup to prepare but more on that when I have completed things.

We therefore went to Iceland (shop) and I came back with 6kg of sugar.  Not enough really for what I want to achieve but enough to get the fresh stuff processed.  We also picked up one or two other bits and bobs as well that were needed.

We then came back  unloaded and then took Missy out for a walk, which she seemed to thoroughly enjoy.  Our little dog is not as active or as agile as she used to be, but she does like to have a little wander and a sniff. Breaks the day up for her. Whilst walking her came across a load of Blackberries and as I had taken some bowls and bags with me just in case, I set too and picked a load.  The first of the season's "Black Gold".  There is 1.5 kilo of Blackberries from this little haul.  I am going to be preserving these in a light sugar syrup and water bath process them for the Pantry shelf for puddings during the Winter months.  Later in the season I intend to put a load of apples up as well.

I have some other posts on the go, but they are not quite ready yet - items I am dealing which are Works in Progress (WIP's), but will be in the next couple of days or so.

I have also harvested herbage today namely a load more Black Peppermint for drying for my Mint tea during the winter months.  There are a couple of other projects with Mint that I would also like to achieve.  I have also gathered more Bay, some for drying in little sprays and the rest singly.  Yet again I have more projects for Bay Leaves in the offing as well.  The kitchen smells wonderfully fresh with the aroma off the mint and the Bay leaves.

Whilst bringing washing in and putting more washing out, I noticed that there were some rogue Blackberry vines growing.  When I checked there were a load of Blackberries which were ready and so I harvested them as well.  I have another 1lb of Blackberries therefore that is 2 kilos of Blackberries gathered today.  Well chuffed although I would say that the prickles on these were more vicious than the wild ones (not that these are not wild).  I do have a lot of Blackberry preserves planned though including jam. I also want to make some syrup both spiced and plain.

We did not want much for tea tonight.  Just had some sarnies G with cheese and Tomato and I had lettuce leaf, red onion and Tomato with some salad cream on.  Very tasty and did the job for me.  We also had Strawberries and cream with some Strawberry Mousse.

Tomorrow night's tea is going to be Pork steaks, Roasties i.e. shallots, potatoes, sweet potato and some squash and I will probably chuck the rest of the red onion in that I started today as well.  So a full meal is scheduled for tomorrow night.

It has been a very productive and active and busy day today though for me.  It is going to be busier tomorrow.  We are planning on going Brambling again and also to have a look what else is available in the hedgerow.  I also would like some more of the little tiny cones - think they are Larch cones for Christmas decorating etc. as well.

Right am off to tidy up and then put my feet up.  Want to be ready to get stuck in tomorrow and get some much needed preserves put up for the Pantry shelf.  Early days yet, but such a lot would like to do.  Will see how we get on.

Catch you soon.




  1. You did do well today and I do envy you those blackberries - no chance of finding wild ones here and those in the shops tend to be rather expensive and not always very tasty - I find that the frozen ones are often a better option.
    Today was a civic holiday here but the weather was hot and stormy so plans for going out had to be cancelled. Decided to do laundry only to discover that the building elevator was out of service (and since the laundry room is 5 flights down - had to cancel those plans as well). Did some hand laundry and some ironing and the dusted, mopped and vacuumed so at least the apt. is tidy!

    1. I think you are right on the frozen ones. Sometimes it works out a lot cheaper to buy fruit out this way. I often buy the mixed fruits bags from the freezer section of the shop usually a 1kg weight overall and then make jam from it with 1kg of sugar. That is a nice one for a croissant for breakfast of a morning. Sorry you are not able to find them locally. Had not appreciated that you lived in a large apartment block. That sounds horrendous especially if the lifts are out. Sorry you were not able to go out. Take care sweetie x


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