Monday The Day of Heat

 Have stayed in the house most of the day.  I did have plans to get on a bit but it is unbearable.  At the moment and we are doing our best to keep the Dog and the Cat as cool as we can as well as ourselves. Missy has been bathed in warm water to help cool her down.  It always seems to soothe her when we are experiencing heat and cools her down. Tomorrow is meant to be quite a few degrees cooler at 26 rather than today's predicted 33!  Too darn hot in any event. Hopefully will be able to get some stuff done a little later on.  Thank goodness I watered up last night.  Will do the same again later.

Washing was got out early although I still have more to do.  All nice and dry though naturally.  Washing up all done.  Will tidy the kitchen first thing tomorrow before going into the bedroom.

Am not cooking tonight, G arranged a small takeaway.  Not that I am really hungry at the moment as we had quite a big breakfast in any event.  

Bedroom bound tomorrow so that I can get that cleared a bit and get some of the stuff put away from downstairs.  Its all about budging things along that bit more so that gradually things start to get cleared a little bit at a time and so we have forward motion instead of stagnation, which have had for the past few weeks.

Another day beckons.

Keep safe everyone, keep chilled.

Catch you soon.




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