My Mojo has left the building and much needed rain

Complete burn out and I have had to take a few days for myself.  It has been too hot for little old me and as a result my Mojo has gone on vacation.  Hope it is somewhere exotic but not too hot.  At the time I am writing this, we have had a windy day, and it is now raining.  Good solid rain the sort that will do the earth good. I think there has been the odd rumble of thunder as well.  Hopefully this will clear the humidity and heat up.  Never satisfied, I need to be in a temperate climate though as too hot does me in as does too much cold and yet I love the differing seasons and all they have to offer.  We are slowly slipping into Autumn

Today has been a paperwork day.   Not by choice, but it needed doing and as I am trying to face things head on at the moment (when all I want to do is run), I am sticking with it and trying to get things moving.  The paperwork was for an appointment, but that has been put back until tomorrow, not by me I would hasten to say.

As the appointment did not take place, I then went and cooked tea.  Quite a simple tea tonight, some chipolatas, fried eggs and some plum tomatoes with bread and butter on the side.  Nice and simple and serves a purpose when you want something in a hurry.

I am also trying to do a few little projects.  I will not say strictly preserving although some of them are.  More on that in a few days.  Just trying to use that which is available and around me, as well as make the time to actually put something useful up on the shelf before silly season actually starts.  It does not matter how small or insignificant that item might be, it is something that is going to be useful in your kitchen and Pantry overall.  

I am hopeful to be able to pop up some more substantial preserves for the winter months shortly.

Right short and sweet.  Hopefully be back into full swing again in the next few days.

Keep cosy and safe wherever you are.

Catch you soon.




  1. I do sympathize with the heat - it is already over 30C here today and it's not even noon. It will be a day to get through things inside. I am lucky in that I have A/C in the bedroom and can pop in there for an hour to cool down if it gets to be too much. But - we are also seeing signs of Fall - the Fire Bushes are already starting to turn bright red and it is early for them, plus I've noticed the leaves on some trees starting to turn already. We have had quite cool nights this past week (around 16C) and this usually starts them off.
    I just received an order of jars and lids so I will get them washed and sterilized as I want to start storing some dry goods this way. I have oxygen absorbers and a jar vacuum sealer which will ensure a good result.
    Hope the heat lets up soon.

    1. Hi Margie, we do not have air conditioners as standard here in the UK mores the pity. We do have a portable one down in our caravan which I did ask to bring back home but OH declined. We could have done with it. Autumn is starting to creep in here already and the evenings are getting darker; occasionally a little cooler but not back in jumpers yet. Sounds as though you have quite a project on with sorting your Pantry out. Am feeling more with it than I was which is something. A load of preserving on the cards for tomorrow. Blackberry jam and then starting Bramble jelly which will be finished on Tuesday as needs to drip overnight. Keep safe and take it steady xxx Tricia xx

  2. I hope your mojo shows up soon. Mine disappears often.

    1. Hi Sandra, it has turned up - had a couple of day's grace. Been Blackberrying this afternoon and have another 2.5kg of Blackberries. Picking again tomorrow and hopefully will also be starting Bramble jelly. Hoping to make a double batch of Bramble jelly and Bramble jam. Hope you are having a good spell. Take care Tricia xx


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