Sunday the Day of Rest

 It has been a do nothing day for me after the efforts of the last week.  Will be doing some more preserving during the week, but with it having been extremely warm again today I have chosen to just "chill" metaphorically speaking.  It has made a change.  It will be back to the grind tomorrow when I plan on tackling the Pantry and getting 23 jars squeezed in there somehow or another. However that will be a post for another day.  It will also be a strip out the kitchen day to get everything back where it needs to be and a good washing out before I start again.  If I get the chance I may well do some baking.

On the other hand, it may be too hot in which case it could be a bedroom day concentrating on things inside the house whilst trying to keep cool.  I had already decided that I would be going back into the bedroom this week in any event.  More on that to follow at a later date.

So a generally laid back day. I have watered up what few plants I do have living in the garden just to give them a chance.  I am still nurturing my grape vines and still hoping for a small harvest.

Fortunately it is a little cooler now, not much but a little although it looks as though it is going to be a warmer night.

Just going to get something to eat and have a glass of Blackcurrant cider.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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