Today has been very slow day

 Quiet, but busy.  I overslept until quite late this morning - a result of a Jack Russell's nocturnal activities for the past couple of nights.  I just crashed out.  Not particularly firing on all cylinders again and very fed up with myself!

Early afternoon we went walkies as Barbara Woodhouse would have said, and I took advantage of the fact to pick more Blackberries.  

I had gone suitably clothed although not looking particularly nice in baggy old tracky-bottoms and an old sweatshirt (usually used for tackling housework and not really decent enough to go out in), however ideal for tackling and fighting with Bramble bushes.  There was that much fruit on some of the branches that the branches had fallen down and at first sight you could not see just how many Blackberries were hiding.  I also ventured into an area full of nettles and brambles. It is at times like this that I severely miss the 3 inches in height that I have lost over the years as some of them I just quite cannot get to. G did not venture in as he had gone in his shorts.  I therefore went where Angels fail to tread tackling the prickles and stingers today.  Been doing this on and off for years so well practiced.  I would emphasise that I am going to different areas with the Blackberries and leaving a day in-between picking or so, so that wildlife and others also have their chance.  Quite extensive areas some of which are very new.

I am now an Honorary Member of the Black Hand Gang (a radio programme my Dad used to listen to as a youngster believe it was aired in the 40's).

Managed three various sized bowls today totalling just over another 2 kilos of Blackberries picked.  So far that is 4 kilos picked.  These are mainly to be bottled (some already done).  Then I shall go again and this time pick for Bramble Delly (jelly) and Blackberry jam (being as I have been eating down stores on this I think I really need to do a couple of batches this year).  I also need to make Cheong and traditional syrup and maybe chutney.  Will see what we can find first.  Also found several apples (totalling just over 1kg) on the floor and so brought them back with me as well.  They will help make jelly and help it set.

Tea tonight was a Ham salad, coleslaw, mixed salad, tomatoes, Tortilla, crisps, Balsamic pickled onions and Bread and Butter.  Went down very nicely a lighter tea as I really was not that hungry today.

Tomorrow therefore looks as though it is going to be busy again in the kitchen.  I have dug out a load of jars, lids and seals to carry on with what I have already started from under the stairs.  I will heat process these in a  batch first thing before I start the actual preserving. However there will be a post later on in the week with what I have been up to on the preserving front.  There has been a fair bit achieved for a change.

We have the front garden to sort out.  Last night we set about the Cotoneaster which had overgrown into the passage and was starting to restrict movement if  you were walking down.  So that has had a haircut.  The front hedge needs doing and if the weather is reasonable tomorrow that will be done then.  I need to go to the tip to get rid of a load of garden waste and rubbish.  Hopefully will be able to get soon to tidy things up a bit more and see where am going with the rest of it, particularly in the back garden.  I really need to get stuck in here, but preserving is taking precedence at the moment.

We have prawns for tea tomorrow night for a change probably served with a salad again.  I think G is sorting out the meal tomorrow night for a change as although a simple meal, I do have other stuff to deal with.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Those blackberries look wonderful! I think an apple and blackberry crumble would be delicious!

    1. That will come with the preserved berries all 11 jars - 10 of which are 1 pint jars. However if get more in next few days may well end up with one before then. Sloe Plum and Apple jelly is nice tooxx

  2. Whoa, you picked a lot of berries!

    1. Yes 4 kilo and I have not finished yet. Will probably go again tomorrow as I would like some for jam and Bramble jelly and also syrup. Trying to do a bit at a time.


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