A RAther Upsetting Day

 It has been a bit of a day thus far resulting in our car being seriously damaged whilst it was parked in Residents Parking and some other issues that have been going on.  I was going to post this evening, but I need to come down to earth a bit and take some time out.  I have some more Pantry posts to come and will get those sorted as soon as I can.

Will be back as soon as I have calmed down a bit.  Little bit upset to say the least over this.  

Hopefully things will resolve at soonest, but I need to calm down just a little bit and reflect on some inner peace for myself.  Hope everyone understands.

Back soonest




  1. Replies
    1. Hi Margie, things seem to have settled thank goodness. G has calmed down a bit as well to what he was. Just got to let the insurance company do their thing and get the car fixed xx Hope you are okay xx

  2. Oh dear. No wonder you are upset. x

  3. I'm sorry. This would be upsetting.

    1. Hi Sandra, it was a bit. Am okay and everything for the time being has now calmed down. Just got to let the Insurance company do their thing. Hope you are okay take care xx

  4. Oh goodness, that's the last thing you want - someone bashing your car. I hope the insurance people don't kick up a fuss and just pay up.


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