Autumn and the First stew

What a cold day it has been today and yesterday, so much so after a couple of months with hardly any attacks, I am now suffering from white finger again!  Raynaud's Syndrome to be precise and it is being a bit of a devil. I suppose that is going to be a thing from now on in, but there we are. I had problems this evening whilst sorting the veggies for tea. Had just got used to not having this happen and that has been a bit of a joy for me.  Slippery slope and all that.

In any event, I have had a quieter couple of days although I have been busy.  Not on the things I wanted to be busy at, but that seems to be a constant theme here as I always end up being dragged off on something else.  I have been pottering away, tidying things or putting like things together for the past couple of days. Things have been put out of the way in the Pantry  such as cake tins of different shapes and sizes and other kitchen equipment.  I need to have the under-stair cupboard sorted before this will get shifted, but at least it is out of the way for the time being.  Pantry it is still not completed but as I need room to move to finish tidying the kitchen up and cook as well, it has been a necessary exercise. I also need room to move in the kitchen for dealing with the ironing. I am still sorting the ironing pile out as well sorting like items with like. I envisage that It will be the beginning of next week at the moment before I will be able to tackle the under-stair cupboard.  I am having to sort in the dining room a bit as I need to make room for an upright freezer somewhere which is very much needed.  It will be ordered once it has a permanent home sorted.  I am looking at an upright freezer to match my Samsung upright fridge which is located in the dining room. I am therefore going to have to make room in here to squeeze it in.  There is no room in my kitchen for a tumble drier, fridge or freezer.  We have just about squeezed the dishwasher and the washing machine in.  Not ideal but there we are we have to deal with what we have.

I think my shopping trip for tackling and re-stocking the Pantry store will happen once the under-stair cupboard and also the Pantry are completely sorted so I really need to get a wriggle on. I also need to sort the Fridge out.  Bathroom is having to wait at the moment.

Tonight for tea we have had the first of the Autumn stews; homemade Beef stew served with mashed potatoes for me and steamed potatoes for G.  It did the job of warming me up a little bit as I have been cold for the best part of the day.  It was tasty and just what the Doctor ordered!   The gravy was nice and thick and there are seconds for tomorrow as well.  I normally when I cook a stew use a minimum of about 1kg of stewing steak, but this time only had 1lb in weight to hand, so only made half of what I usually do.  The meat was lovely and tender though as it was done in the Ninja Foodi on the Pressure cooking setting.

I have popped a second jumper on this evening as I am chilly.  I think I will be dragging a quilted bedspread out soon as well. 

Tonight I have watched on Channel 4 Catchup the second of the films about the Fisherman's Friends which has had me in fits of giggles. I had seen the first film and loved it and this one was just as good. It was on TV on Tuesday 10 September and I had meant to watch it then, but found by chance on catchup.  I tend to forget about the Catchup services, must use them more than I have been doing.

Am currently trying to play catchup on the Internet, have not been around much for the past week or so.  Hopefully will catch up soon.

Hopefully everyone is having a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. It is still mid 20'sC here and for at least the next 10 days so not quite ready for stew season as yet.
    I picked up a couple of sale items at the grocery store yesterday - sugar is on sale so ended up getting 4 half gallon jars put away in the baking cupboard. Had a lot of work from home things to deal with this morning but this afternoon I caramelized onions, froze one batch of peppers and cooked another batch. I just had a bacon sandwich (with onions & peppers) for supper tonight and it was delicious. I'm planning on making a chicken curry and a corned beef "pie" tomorrow. On Sunday I hope to make a crustless quiche and that will make breakfast for a number of mornings.
    My apt. got a good clean this week so now it is just a matter of catching up on some laundry over the next few days - it never seems to end does it?

    1. Margie, lovely jubbly. It is all about giving yourself a better eating and living quality at the end of the day and am glad you are having such pleasure in doing little things. You sound more content and happier (not that you were unhappy) in yourself and what you can do. I always buy sugar as I get through so much of it. I would rather have a little too much to start with and then half way through do a little top up to keep levels stable. However realistically this is not always achievable. I will come back to you on preserving the mushrooms have not forgotten just real life is a bit hectic at the moment. Fridge pickles are a good way to go. I also make my own peanut butter. Sometimes short term preserves as I call them fill a gap and a need and give you lots of options. My peanut butter can be made smooth or rough only has nuts and a little Sunflower oil in it. Directions said when I made it that it would last about six weeks. Mine lasted more near three months. Can use in your own homemade sauces like Satay sauce as well and of course baking. Lovely to see you taking control Tricia xx


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